Chapter 21

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Thursday came, so Hayes and I went back home. I miss this place so much, It's just been a month or so, since I came here, but it feels different. It feels like I was gone for such a long time. Imagine being away from your family for a long time, it's hard. I don't even know how Nash survived being away from us before. Honestly, I don't want to leave this place anymore. "Ashley!!!!!" screamed Skylynn, as she was running down the stairs. I put down my bag and opened up my arms while she was getting closer to me. "You're back!" she said, while giving me a hug.

"Hi Sky," I smiled. Dad and Nila came out of the kitchen and greeted me and Hayes. They even gave us a short hug to make us feel welcome.

"Do you have anything for me?" asked Skylynn with excitement.

"Of course I have something for you, its inside my bag," I told her, she quickly grabbed my bag and brought it in the living room with Hayes. Nila was looking at me, worried. So was Dad. "Aren't you guys happy to see me?" I smiled at them.

Dad walked closer to me and put his arm around me, "Of course we are, we missed you here," he said. I gave him a hug.

"But what are you doing here? You didn't tell us that you're coming home," asked Nila.

"You seem tired, you should rest upstairs while we prepare dinner," said Dad. I went upstairs, to my old room. They didn't changed a thing here, which im happy to see. My books are still on displayed on my shelf. Yes, I used to be obsessed with books too, but I like young adults, fiction, and romance ones. I walked towards my bed, and jumped on it with my belly. If only I could live here again for good, life would be easier. Also, if I didn't moved away, maybe I wouldn't get my heart broken by that jerk, Cameron. Wait, no, It's not his fault if Im suffering from broken hearted right now. It's my fault.

"Ashley. It's Chad," said Dad, while knocking on my door.

"Come in," I told him. He came inside and sat by the edge of my bed, as I sat down. "What's up?" I asked him.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" He said raising his eyebrow. I looked at him, confusedly. I don't know what he meant by that. "You wouldn't visit, if there's nothing wrong," he added.

"What do you mean Dad?" I asked him again.

"I know there's something wrong, start talking," he told me. I didn't answer, instead I just looked down on my blanket. "First, you came here unexpectedly. Second, you looked down when you got home. Then, you didn't want to eat dinner," he continued.

"Im inlove with a guy, that I can't love," I started saying, I was about to continue when Chad stood up, and looked surprised.

"My daughter is inlove?!" he yelled at me. "Who's the guy?" he added.

"Dad, calm down," I told him, as I gestured him to sit down. "It's Cameron." I said, once he finally sat down.

"Cameron? Nash's bestfriend?" he raised his voice, and stood up again.

"Dad, can you please be quiet and let me talk," I told him. He sat down again and he did what I told him. If only I could talk to my Mom or Nila like this, life wouldn't be hard. But, Im still greatful that I could talk to him about this kind of stuff. Mom and I aren't really that close, we talk but we don't really have a bond, just the two of us. It's because I chose Dad over her, I choose to live with Dad, instead of living with her. "What I said earlier is right, Im inlove with Cameron. And I came here, because I pushed him away. I pushed the guy I loved away, Dad. I can't fall inlove with him," I started explaining.

"Does he love someone else?" he asked me.

"No," I responded.

"Then what's up?" he asked.

"It's Nash," I said. "Before I could even assure myself that I have feelings towards Cameron, he talked to me. He said, he doesn't want me and Cameron together, because if Cameron did something wrong to me, he wouldn't know what to do with him, and it might ruin their friendship. I don't want to be the reason, if that happens, Dad. I don't," I continued.

"Does Nash know you love Cameron?" he asked me.

"No, and Im not planning to tell him at all," I told Dad.

"You should probably talk to Nash about it, he's your brother. He would understand. Cameron is his bestfriend, Nash should know how Cameron treats girl, and he would have not let his bestfriend near you for the first place, if Cameron would do something to hurt you. Like what other people says, if someone loves you, you should give them a chance to show you, let them prove that they are worth to love back," he said.

I nodded, "Thanks Dad."

He gave me a kissed on the forehead, as he told me to go to sleep. "Give Cameron a chance," he said, before he closed my door.

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