Chapter Nine

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Word Count: 1625


With the notes shoved in my pockets, I make my way up.

The moment I walk through the mailroom door and into the hallway, Heather steps out in front of me, questioning me on where I'm heading. Digging into my pockets, I tug out the two letters, showing them to her. I'm hyped up on bothered emotions, so when she looks up at me and raises her eyebrows, it only makes me angrier.

"They're love notes. Don't tell me you're jealous of the affections he receives from all these girls," she says, the smile on her face framed with pure amusement. I grit my teeth, knowing for a fact that I'm not anything like jealous of this.

"I need to see him right now. It's no acceptable that he's getting these letters and just throwing them out," I tell her, brushing past her.

She follows me. "Sorry, but you can't."

This place, of course, is completely unfamiliar to me, but that doesn't stop me from rushing through the hallways of the lower area, looking for the stairs that will take me up to the main floor. This place might be big, from what I've seen from the outside, but I'm sure I can find Noah wandering around here.

"I'm going to lose my job anyway, so I would rather do it by having a last word," I tell Heather, as she struggles to keep up with me.

"You don't understand, I can't let you go up there. No one is allowed on the main floor without being authorised, and you're only authorised for this floor. Go up there, and the consequences could be worse for you then losing your job," she tells me.

I pause for a moment.

I've found the stairwell, tucked neatly near where I had my first interview. Heather doesn't grab at me, simply standing close with a concerned expression across her face. She isn't about to attempt to restrain me knowing she might not stand a chance. She might come off aggressive, but already I can tell she doesn't like conflict.

"Where is his office?" I ask her.

"I'm not going to tell you. There are guards up there who will detain you immediately. You'll never make it up any higher than the first floor," she tells me. She's standing back, wary, as if she thinks I'm completely out of my mind that maybe I would attack her if I wanted to.

I probably am out of my mind, but knowing I'm about to lose this job is the fuel to my fire. And so is the frustrating with everything going on recently.

Ignoring all of Heather's warnings, I rush up the stairs.

She's initially wrong about all the guards I assumed would swarm to grab me as I step out into the first floor. It's opened up into a back room which I assume is hidden back here so guests don't have to see it when they arrive.

Heather hasn't followed me up, thankfully. It gives me room to approach the exit to this room carefully. The last thing I want to do is catch the attention of everyone roaming around the floor at this time. When I open the door, there is nothing but a long hallway with a door at the end that I'm hoping isn't locked.

These people here like their secrets.

Stalking down the hallway, I let the plush carpet absorb the sound of my footsteps while I search for an idea of what to do next.

Confidence is the key here. If is stride out, looking like I belong here, maybe no one will question whether I'm authorised to be on this floor. I'll just walk on out, and if I come across someone, I'll ask them where Noah's office is.

Pushing the door open, I keep my chin up and walk out. The most difficult reason why I, for a moment, nearly broke my facade, is because of the room I've emerged into. I've come through the side of the main foyer. Two guards are posted by the front door, who barely even cast me a glance as I walk out, shoes tapping against what must be marble beneath my feet.

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