Broken Barrier

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That week felt like it flew by. Tom and I spent the whole week together basically.

Tom never mentioned the whole 'Dad' box thing again. I think he forgot about it. Which was good. I didn't want to talk about it. Just like I didn't want to talk about John. I just wanted a little happiness. I wanted it to last.

He helped me with my photos. Which I still took. That was my job. I may have been done with my first project, but I still had to plan ahead for future projects.

On Friday, after work, we explored the nearby neighborhoods as I took  more photos. The sun was still in the sky, just real low. The sky was a misty purple. As we got deeper into Autumn, more of the leaves began shifting, and dangling off the trees. The majority of them were spread across the ground.

Tom did what he always did, and watched me take photos. He still never used his brand new camera. Why? That was the question I wanted answered.

So, as we were walking through the London streets that evening, I finally said something about it. "Tom?"

"Yeah" He answered.

"Why haven't you used your camera yet?" I asked curiously.

Tom smiled, glancing down to his camera before looking back into my eyes with meaning. "I'm just, saving it for the right picture."

I smiled. Thinking about his statement. That was another riddle. A riddle in his words, that I couldn't quite figure out. I let it go, but it stayed in the back of my mind.

Maybe he wasn't talking about his camera, maybe his camera had a different meaning to him. A meaning that made me curious.

So the riddle stayed with me.



Tom slept over last night. And he didn't sleep on the couch this time. I felt too bad for him when he slept on my tiny sofa, considering he was so tall and all.

He slept in my bed, next to me.

And to no ones surprise, NOTHING happened between us. We simply just went to sleep. It had been a long day for the both of us.

I, being the precautious one, built a pillow barrier, between Tom's side of the bed, and my side of the bed. Just to be sure nothing would happen.

We had woken up almost at the same time. When I first opened my eyes, he was sitting up I'm the bed, stretching. I didn't want him to catch me staring again, so I quickly looked away.

He glanced over to me after his stretches. "Good morning sunshine."

I laughed. And pointed to my face, still sleepy. I had absolutely no makeup on, and my hair was in a messy, frizzy bun. "Does this look like sunshine to you?"

"Yes. The brightest sunshine I've ever seen. Almost blinding."  Tom said with sarcasm. He basically said that my appearance made him blind in the eyes.

I laughed, then picked up a pillow from our barrier, and smacked him with it, for being so humorously rude.

His laugh changed to seriousness, when the pillow met his face. He was probably shocked.

He lifted an eye brow. "Ariana Harrington. You just made a big mistake."

I smirked. "Did I? Well what are you gonna do about it?"

I picked up the pillow again and slapped him with it.  This time, he picked up a pillow of his own, from the barrier. That barrier was completely open now.

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