The Best For Last

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I didn't feel like going inside, so we walked. We walked long enough around each block until the sun began to melt the thick, grey clouds away. The puddles on each sidewalk dried up until the were almost non-existent. The fog hovering over the busy streets, disappeared. It was as if, it was a brand new day.

Tom and I never spoke one word in this very distant walk. Nothing.

Tom assured me that I was going to have these five photos taken, by the end of the day, today. It was already late afternoon, and I had no photos. My anxiety began building up so much that I finally stopped in my tracts, grabbing Tom's arm so that he'd stop too. I pulled him to the side of the side walk so that we wouldn't be in anyone's way. "Tom, what are we doing?"

He laughed. "We're, walking."

I sighed. "I know but you said I'd have these photos taken by tonight. We've been walking for over an hour and I have nothing."

"You are the one who suggested that we walk." He said with a smile.

I nodded. "Yeah but-"

"Trust me, Ari. You're going to love this place that I show you." He added.

Before I could speak, Tom stopped me, by grabbing my hand, ever so gently, and leading me down the side walk. "We're almost there."

"Almost where?" I asked, even though I know he wouldn't tell me.

We came go the end of the block, and crossed the busy street. Tom still held onto my hand. The crazy thing is, I didn't let go. I didn't flinch when he grabbed my hand. It was all comfortable to me.

We walked down a few more streets until Tom stopped, momentarily, and smiled back at me. "We're here. I saved the best, for last."

I smiled. "I thought Dorney Lake was your favorite."

He shook his head. "Dorney Lake is beautiful in the morning. But, this place, is beautiful all the time. Like I said, I saved the best for last." He glanced down to my hand in his, and smiled. Not letting go of it, he led me into a park. It was huge. And when we entered. All I saw were, trees.

Tom lead me down a thick walkway. Each side of the walkway, had a row of trees. The oranges and reds of the leaves, almost illuminated the walkway. And when the breeze blew, the trees would rattle, and the leaves would scurry the the ground by our feet.

I was memorised. "Th-This is the best for last." I said to Tom.

Tom grinned and finally let go of my hand. "Your photos await."

I grinned and picked up my camera. Tom followed behind me as I used up about half of my camera space on one walkway.

We explored the whole park. Path after path, picture after picture. Like a maze. We found ourselves on a lonely path. It was deserted, No one was around, but us. So we strolled down. The trees still towered over us.

I stood in the middle of the empty pathway, with my camera pressed up to my face, about to take a photo when, I heard a snap of another camera.

I lowered my camera from my face and I looked over to Tom. He had his camera in his hands. The camera that he never even turned on before. It pointed towards my direction.

"Did you, just take a picture of me?" I asked.

He nodded. "Yes. I did."

I smiled. "I thought you were saving that camera, for the right picture."

He looked down to his camera. "I did, save it for the right picture."

"Me?" I said, almost in a whispering tone. Filled with shock, that his camera was finally used. He used it on me.

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