Chapter three

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Im locked up with ribbon in a dark small room. Everything is black. I cant see a thing. "Hello my dear we meet again?" A voice echoes through the small room. I instantly know who it is. "Please let me go i'll do anything. please" I say with no energy left. "It's been 5 years and you still haven't moved on? Pathetic. No wonder no one likes you" He says as he walks up to me. He looks into my eyes for a second, when all of the sudden i feel a tight grip on my throat. "No stop, I c-a-a-a-nt brea-t-t-t-th" I choked out. "WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT THE STUTTERING" He yelled at me.

All of the sudden I wake up, tears are streaming down my eyes, and i'm breathing really heavy. I look over at my clock it's 4:15 am. I mentally facepalm myself for waking up at this ungodly hour. After I had calmed down, I decided it would be a good idea to go down and get some milk. It was so peaceful, I walked by my brothers rooms they were all asleep and so peaceful. I went down the hard cold wood steps, still rubbing my eyes. As I got down I got a glass from the cabbinent, that I could reach, and then I went over to the fridge. A bright light hit me like I truck, after some looking I found the milk. I turned around with my glass in my hand and poured it up. All of the sudden i hear a sound from the living room. I go over there slowly afraid of who it might be. I look around from the corner, and I see Stilles with a needle? I think pressed against his veins. Oh my go, oh my god he is doing heroin. What should I do, I can't just go in there. I should go back to my room he could hurt me. He is probably high already. As I walk up the stairs i feel very guilty for not saying anything...but he wouldn't have listened anyway. I got to my room and tried to sleep before I had to wake up.

*tik tik* God that sound. I hate it. That sound means I have to wake up and get ready.

I got up and put a paid of blue mom jeans and a vintage black nike shirt on. I did my hair in 2 french braids, and tried to put some concellar on my black eye.I also brushed my teeth and all that stuff.

"Good Morning teenager with rage and rebelliousness, glad to see you joined us" My dad joked. "Good Morning dad" I responded with a smile on my face. "Good Morning Em" My mom said. "Hi" I said as i hugged her. i was about to go and put my shoes on so I could get out, but i remembered something important. "Hey mom, where is Stiles? I really need to talk to him. " I asked. "He is upstairs in his room, but he is sick so he isn't going to school today" My mom answered. "Okay thanks tell Benjii and the others that i'm coming, I just need to talk to Stiles for a second. My mom gave me nood. I ran up the stairs and over to Stiles room, this is definitely a bad idea, but if I can help him in any way I should try. I knocked on his door. He responded with "come in"

"He-e-e-e-y" I said, kinda nervous. "Oh god its you, what do you want shithead?" He said to me as he sat up in bed. I analyzed him, his eyes were red, he definitely smelled, and he had big marks all over his arms. "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?" He screamed at me, as he got up from bed, ready to throw a punch at me, i quickly backed away. "I-I-I-I I'm so-r-r-r-y please just wait f-o-o-o-o-r a second, I saw you yesterni-g-g-g-h-t doing herorin, and I know you hate me, but I just want you to kn-o-o-ow that I c-a-a-a-re about you even if you do-n-n-nt care for yourself.So please don't do t-h-h-i-s to your body" I said. He looked at me with a emotionless expression. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM BEFORE I KILL YOU!" He screamed back at me. I ran out of there as quick as I could. Well that was a fail.

"God she made it. Lets go" Ethan said. We all walked out to his car Ethan drove, Benjii was shotgun me and Finn were in the back together. I kinda of tried to not make any eye contact with any of them, I just looked out the window. I was just in my own world. "Hey weakling look forward." I did as he said, not wanting problems. He looked at my face for a few seconds. "Good girl, you covered it up in make up" He said satisfied with himself. "Well makeup still isn't enough to cover that ugly face of yours" Benii said, all 3 of them laughed. Thanks Benjii, not like I hate myself anyway. By the time we reached the parking lot it had started pouring down. All of the sudden Ethan stopped the car, and turned to me. "Hey loser get out of the car and walk the rest, you could use that exercise anyways." He said with a smirk on his face. "But its p-o-o-u-r-r-r-ring" I said. God damn it the stuttering again. "Just shut the fuck up and get out, and what did i tell you about stuttering. It makes you look weak, now get out." Benjii said. I sighed and grabbed my backpack and phone and went out in the pouring rain. At least I was wearing a rain jacket. By the time I got to school I was pretty wet. Dumbass rain jacket. I got to my locker and got my books for my first class math.

"Good Morning class, today we're doing a pop-quiz. You have 60 minutes. when ever your done you can come up and give it to me and then you're free to go" Mr. Lott said. He handed out the quiz, I felt pretty confident. math was something that just came easy to me I guess.

I got done in about 45 minutes. I looked around and saw that nobody else were done, and I didnt want to be the first one to hand in my quiz, so I just waited until someone else were done. Finally after 2 minutes someone else were done. He went up and handed his quiz in and after a minute I did the same. As i walked out of class I got a message from my dance teacher. She needed me to fill in on the senior company, for a competition this weekend. Oh my god I need to get out of school now then, I need a bit of time to learn it, because they do way more complicated stuff than use, and a few hours today and the next 4 days leading up to the competition. I called my mom to ask for permission, so she could write to the school. "hey mom, my dance teacher needs me to fill in for a spot on the senior company for a dance competition this week, can you please write to the school and say that I need to leave for today?" I asked. "Yeah of course but you better study when you get home, to catch up. " She responded. "Thank you mom, I love you! By the way I will probably just eat dinner at the studio so don't wait for me." I Said. "Sure thing, I love you too bye". She said and i hung up. I went out of the school doors headed to dance. 

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