Chapter seven

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"Wake up."

"Wake up."


I jolted out of my bed and fell to the ground. "What??" I said clearly annoyed. "You're so ugly right now yooo" Finn said as he giggled. Of course, of freaking course it's Finn, what does he even want? I thought to myself as I stood up.

"Wh-a-a-a-t do you wa-n-nt?" I said. Oh great stuttering in front of Finn. "Are you like afraid of me or something?" Finn asked. "No." I said. but that was lie. "So you aren't scared right now?" He said and with each word he got closer. "I-I-I- no I'm n-o-ot" I said. "Really?" Finn whispered in my ear. "Please let me go" I let out. stopped and looked at me and held under my chin so i could see him in the eyes. And before i knew it his fist went up in the air. And i flinched. "Aww poor baby, she is afraid of her own big brother. Are you gonna cry now? Aww little baby" Finn teased, as he laughed to himself. He turned around and was heading out the door. But he turned around just before exiting my room. "Oh yeah be ready in 20 minutes, remember u are driving with me to that dance thing or whatever." He said. I just nodded being way to scared and kinda shocked to react in any other way. And i hated it but i had tears in my eyes, I hated that I couldn't be stronger but I guess I'm just Weak. "Oh my god" Finn let out as he giggled and came closer to me. He held my chin up again to face him. "Are you actually crying right now?" I tried to not have any eye contact with him because I was so embarrassed right now. "Oh my freaking god, ur such a baby" He said and with that he left.

Im sorry

I got up and went ahead and just got ready for my dance practice. Within 2o minutes I was done, right on time. "Emily lets go!" Finn yelled from downstairs. I ran out of my room and ran right into Stiles. "I'm sorry" I said as quick as I could, and went to run again. But all of the sudden I felt something holding my arm back. "Not so fast, fatass" Stiles whispered so only I could hear it. "Please let me g-o-o Stiles" I said. "Remember our deal okay?" He said. Oh god that deal. "Yeah yeah I know" I said. "Good girl." He said as he let me go. I ran down the stairs as quick as I could. "Fuck she made it, I was just hoping she wouldn't." Finn said into his phone. Well this is gonna be a fun ride.I went to the kitchen to get my water flask filled up I didn't really feel like breakfast, I wouldn't have time for it anyways. As I got my things i went out to the shoe closet were Finn was waiting. "Where is mom and dad, Finn?" I asked. "Uhm they left early, anyways okay so listen there is going to be a few rules. Dont talk to any of my friends unless they ask you a question or tease you like i do. You aren't allowed to talk or defend yourself, got it slut?" Finn said with hatred filled out in his eyes. "Y-e-e-ah just drop me of by the dance studio, i'm going to come home myself, i'll just take my board it should become warmer so..." I said. "Okay that good, but do you understand? if u break any of these rules you will get a beating worth a lifetime." Finn said. "Y-e-eah I unde-s-stand." I let out. again stuttering. ugh. "Good now let's go"

We got out to our garage, and within 3 minutes they pulled up.
"Hey dude" The driver said, as we got in. "Hey man, ready for practice?" Finn said, wow he was so calm and...normal? around his friends. "Aw man don't get me started i just wanted to sleep in, me and Jess were up a bit late yesterday so you know, I gotta do what <i gotta do to make my girl happy." The driver said. "My man got some pussy last night!" The one sitting besides the driver said, as he gave the driver a pat on the shoulder. Finn and the other dude, were also hyped for him know what. ew gross I thought to myself, and made a grimace. "The driver saw my reaction the gear mirro thingy. "Hey what's your name?" The driver said. I Looked over at Finn wondering if I should answer him, i really didn't want to talk. "Well tell him.." Finn said. I just shaked my head, I really didn't feel like talking right now. "Tell him right fucking now, bitch??" Finn said clearly frustrated with me. "Its okay Finn, I get it" The driver said as he looked at me. "I hated talking to strangers, when I was younger. So its okay, don't pressure her Finn. Anyways my name is Dustin, 18 years old team captain and you brother is darn well one of the best players i have ever seen, but he is a handful sometimes" He said with a laugh at then end. "Dude remember that one time when he did 5 extra pull ups to show of in front of the cheerleaders. " The one sitting besides Dustin said. "Of course i remember that i was the one getting him down" Dustin said, as him and the dude broke out in laughter. "Seriously guys? I'm trying to sleep." The one sitting beides me said. I was in the middle. The other just laughed. "What-t-t-t-ts your nam-m-m-me?" I asked the dude sitting besides Dustin. Seriously I have to stutter in front of these seniors god. "My name is Jared, im 19 and i never learned how to read." We all brooke in laughter. "No im jk, my name is Alex and im 18" He said with a smile on his face. Wow all his friends seemed super sweet. I took a deep breath and said. "My name is Emily im 14" I said. "Wow she talks" Dustin let out. That joke is so old.I spent the rest of the ride just looking out the window.

"Yes just turn right here" I said. "There you go kid, see ya" Dustin said. "Bye and thanks for the ride, sorry if I caused any trouble." I said. "It's all good kiddo, bye" Alex said.I got up and got my bag and my skateboard.

//Dance practice is over//

Its 1 pm. right now and it's honestly still negative degrees so I guess I should call Finn. "Hello?" I said. "What is it slut?" Finn said. wow okay someone is mad. "H-m-m-m Can you come and pick me up, its really cold." I asked. "Yeah whatever, we are done in 10 minutes" Finn said. "Thank you so muc-" And he hung up. Great big brother i have huh?
Meanwhile waiting I just did some tricks on my board because they had locked up the dance studio. "Hey fatty over here!" I heard someone yell I turned my head, it was Finn of course. I went over there as fast as i could, it was so freaking cold!

"Hey kid" Dustin said. "Hi" I respond "You smell so bad" Finn said. "You too" I said without thinking. oh no.

"What did you say you little bitch?" Finn said full of anger. "Nothing, i'm sorry I didn't mean it. " I said. "You and I are gonna have so much fun when we come home. I looked out the window silent the rest of the car ride.

We finally reached our house. "Bye guys" Dustin said. "Bye" We both responded WHen the car drove of, I ran into the house as fast as I could. I tried to run from Finn. "You aren't going to make it bitch." Fin said, as he calmly took his shoes of. "Stilles!" He yelled. Oh no. fudge. I got up the stairs and tried to look back to see if Finn was there. he wasn't but someone else was in front of me. "Deja vu much?" Stilles said. shit. he grabbed me and held me up high by my wrist. "Oh how I've looked forward to this he said as he looked me in the eyes and smirked before throwing me down. "Please don't do this" I begged. He didn't care he started throwing punched at me and kneeing my in the stomach. Again and again. My stomach definitely got it the worst. "Are w-e-e-e done?" I asked, completely beaten up. Stilles got down to my level "You. wish. Emily." He pointed to the stairs, and i saw Finn coming up. "God no, please help me Stiles I can't take it anymore i'm gonna break." I let out. He just stood up and stepped back, crossed his arms and watched the scene unfold. I tried to crawl away because i was to weak to get up. But Finn caught up to me. "Finn please" I begged. He didn't listen, he grabbed me and slapped me up on the wall, holding around my wrists, I was full on sobbing right now. "Stilles hold her wrists!" Finn yelled. Stilles came over with a laugh on his face. Stiles had a tighter grip on my wrists than Finn. "I'm gonna make you regret that you were ever born. "Please don't do this I-" He started choking me, more and more tears came out which already made it harder to breath, and I of course had to have asthma. "St-o-o-p I can-t-t-t-t breat-h-h" I let out. I was just about to pass out when he let go. I slammed down to the floor. Finn then reached down to me, and picked me up, i was still awake I just didn't have energy at all. He went down the stairs and over to our basement, and opened the door, and threw me in. A few minutes go by before i realize where i am. When I finally get a bit of energy to stand up, i get this sudden urge over me, as if everything is breaking down. And I somehow needed to stop it but I couldn't, i started sweating to and crying hysterical. All of this was to much, it was to much... I started pulling at my hair out of frustration. I sat down and pulled my knees into me. This was the worst place I could be. I hated the dark, and small places. My brothers would always throw me in her when I was small, so i had some childhood trauma to I guess, but all those memories came back to me. They would say that I needed to face my fears and that there was no such thing as monsters. I guess that I still am that little girl.

Finally I here the door squirting open. "Get out now" Someone said, I couldn't see who it was. I tried to stand up and walk but I just fell down. "Oh my god.." the person standing by the door said under his breath. He came closer, and picked me up. "Please don't leave me ever again, I still hear the monsters" I said just as I got a glimpse of who it was. Benjii. "Yeah yeah kid" he said, without the slightest emotion in his voice. And with that heard I was out like a light.

Wooo a new chapter! What do y'all think of Finns friends?

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