Chapter 3

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I walk around school hoping not to be seen by the mysterious stranger. I have no idea what the hell is going on with him, but I need him to stay away from me. I can't destroy his life. I can't let him sink to the bottom like me. He has a chance at popularity and to have all the hottest chicks in the world. I'm just a girl who doesn't deserve happiness or joy. I deserve misery.

I wore a grey hoodie with black pants and try to take all the routes that I know no one travels on. As I continue to walk a group of girls surround me so my back hits the wall. No one stops them. No one cares enough about me to stop the abuse, not even the teachers stop it, they just look away as if nothing is happening.

The teachers say nothing as the girls beat the shit out of me. It's almost as if the girls have a routine while abusing me. Kick. Slap. Punch. Kick. Slap. Punch and it continues for a good 5 minutes until the bell rings. The students, the observers and the doers of my abuse, quickly leave as to not be late for class and the teachers hurry along after them to write them a detention slip if they are late. I can't leave as quickly because I need to clean up the damage they left behind.

I slowly limp to the closest bathroom and go inside. I look in the mirror and see that I have a black eye, a few cuts on my face and a couple of bruises on my arms. I lift up my shirt and see a huge black/purple bruise all across my stomach. When my fingers lightly brush up against it I double over in pain. I held onto the sink as I regain my composure.

Something inside of me snaps and I ask myself why do I deserve any of this? I sigh in defeat because I have no idea. All my life I have been told that I am nothing, but a burden and after so long of hearing about these things it has finally sunk in. The wall I have had since I was born was broken years ago by one final shove into the lockers. I still do not know who that person is today, but that guy or girl was the one who broke me. I will never be allowed happiness by that one person breaking down my wall from so long ago.

As I look up I see a pair of familiar brown eyes. I'm paralyzed as I'm scared of what he is going to do. I pull down my shirt and try to quickly run out of the bathroom. Although before I could reach the door he grabs my wrist pulling me back. I try to protest, but he quickly covers my mouth as his chest presses into my back. I keep my breath normal even though I want to run as far away as possible from him. He softly asks, with his mouth next to my ear "Why are you running from me?"

I keep my mouth shut in hopes of him getting the message. He turns me around and I do something that surprises us both. I kicked him in his jewels and bolt. I ran away so fast I almost missed seeing him crumple to the floor as his face twists in pain. As I run I hear footsteps behind me, but I don't listen to them. I am almost to the door until I trip and tumble down the stairs in front of the door. When I reach the bottom I realize that I must have smacked my head while tumbling down the stairs.

As the darkness takes over the last thing I see is that mysterious stranger looking at me with worry.

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