Chapter 11

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Ryder instantly froze in a state of shock holding me tighter against his hard chest. What did I do? I was just wondering why he cared so much for a stranger. He's acting like it is the end of the world or something. I try to move from his arms, but he surprises me when he pulls me into a hug squeezing the life out of me. His arms go around my waist making my arms free to clench at the pain I am in. I can already feel where the bruises will be forming. I guess I deserve the bruises for being such a disgusting creature and asking him something he obviously doesn't want to talk about. As is he heard my thoughts he loosens his arms enough for me to be able to breath again and still be able to hold me tightly.

"Why would you ask something like that?" He whispers so quietly that I wouldn't hear him unless his mouth was right next to my ear. Why is he asking this? I have no idea. My interests sparks because I thought he would say something along the lines of I don't care for you I'm just tricking you so you can go kill yourself you stupid fucking bitch! That's what everyone thinks of me, a useless piece of space that means nothing to anyone and go kill yourself. He breaks away from the hug, probably to get up and run, and looks me deep in the eyes. He says "You're my mate. Can't you see it? The way I look at you screams love. Don't you see how I stand up for you as someone beats you down? I will be there to pick you back up. I never hurt you when I met you. I saw my beautiful mate getting beat up for no reason. You have no idea how badly I want to go and beat the crap out of everyone there."

By the end of his speech I was crying. He looked so truthful and yet I knew he was lying. Ryder is just stringing me along so the crash and burn is bigger at the end. I quickly push him, get up and run. He didn't have time to react as I race into the nearby forest. I'm to frighten to look behind me as my feet run faster against the ground.

When I ran about a mile I stopped and looked around and saw no one. I breathed a sigh of relief until I heard a wolf howl. Shit. I wouldn't be able to outrun a wolf! I look around and see only trees. I smile as an idea comes to me.

I quickly climb up the tree until I am 3/4 quarters off the ground I sigh in relief as the rush washes over. The wolf comes running out a few seconds later looking around as if it is looking for something. As I look I see it has dark black fur and on the tips of its ears and paws it is pure white. I looked in awe until I branch snapped above. The wolf's head turns quickly, but I was able to look back up and conceal myself the best I can with the height. I hear the wolf walk away as I look up. I see a chipmunk on the branch above looking as if it is about to break. I quickly stand up, almost losing my balance and thought. Do I go down to the ground to face the wolf or do I do something extremely dangerous yet awesome at the same time? Well if I'm gonna die might as well die in style.

I breath and quickly run on the branch and jump hoping to make it to the next one. In the slight moment in the air I thought what if I died? Obviously no one would care, I mean Ryder didn't care enough to come after me. He is probably thanking me that I ran out while I could. I smile as the rush is still going so I continue to jump from tree to tree. This is the most fun I had in a long time. Whenever I went out when I was younger was when I was looking for food. I was never able to have fun. My routine was basically getting beat up, learning each day and looking for food once a day. I stop and sigh before I shake me head and continue.

The last branch I jumped snapped and fell to the ground. I didn't care as I continue to jump from tree to tree. I finally stop when I see there were no more trees ahead and instead a waterfall. I heard a wolf howl and went still. As I looked down I saw the wolf from before staring into my eyes. Our eyes still connected as the wolf seemed to change. Instead of being a beast it turned into Ryder. My eyes open more in aww as the transformation was so fast I thought I would miss it if I blinked. Ryder walked to the tree I was on and started to climb it. I stayed in shock as the transformation was still on my mind.

Ryder finally reached the top and when he did he looked pissed off. He grabs me and makes me sit down on top of him on the branch we are both on. His legs are stretched out as mine were on top. There I realized that he was completely naked. My face flames up in embarrassment as he sits there as if it's the normal thing in the world. His chin is on top of my head as he calms his breathing. Once he calmed down enough he said "Thank gosh your okay! Why did you run off crying like that?" As he spoke he hugged me. His arms circled my waist in a comfortable way with his head digs into my neck breathing me. What the hell? Why the hell is he breathing me?

"Why are you breathing me?" I need to know why because I am so confused right now.

" All werewolf's has there mate for a calming technique. What ever they do inflicts on us and our choses. The sent helps us calm down from something frustrating and we need to breath for a few minutes before we are fully calm. Now it's your turn to spill." I sigh as his voice turns stern which means I can't get out of this one.

"I ran because this is all just a game to you. I don't know why you do what you do, but I know you don't mean any of it. Why would you? I'm just a horrifying creature that was a mistake  no one can undo." He growls at this and I fear for what he has to say next.

"I vow to make you love yourself at least a fraction of how much I love you. I don't know how I am supposed to tell you any of this, but in time you will learn how much I am in love with you, but right no we need to get to my house."

"Why?" What's at his house?

"You are going to meet my parents."

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