Chapter 13

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~Rosaline's POV~

I knew it. I knew it all along. No one can care about me and when they try others will get in their way. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy when others get in the way because I was never meant to be cared for. I am and always will be a waste of space. 

My feet continue to walk to the exit of this place. After Ryder's parents slammed the door in my face I got the message and left. It was chilly because of the upcoming winter. I shivered a little and I knew it was going to be a rough night. I see where the driveway meets the road to the outside world. My head was down and I didn't see the person that bumped into me. I mumble a sorry, but apparently it wasn't enough for the girl I bumped into.

"Watch were you're going bitch!" I look up at her and she had a glint in her eyes that spelled out mischief. "Aren't you Ryder's girl? Doesn't matter. You stay away from him. He always liked me, but he is just confused with the whole mate thing. Ryder doesn't see how much better I am than anyone else. Why don't you go back to the ditch you crawled out of? Don't you know that you're useless? Nothing? A mistake? That is what you are and nothing and no one will change that. Never let me see you again." She started to walk off, but I had to tell her I knew. I knew everything is true.

"You don't think I already knew?" She stopped immediately waiting for me to continue. Well she will get one hell of a speech. "I always knew that I meant nothing. Why do you think I live on the streets? Why do you  think that I don't have any family? My parents and sister are gone and no one else ever knew about me. I was always a dirty secret. I was always the mistake. I was never supposed to happen. They never wanted me and when they had me they made sure to make it clear I'm useless and nothing, but empty space. I have no friends which is a plus. No one can hurt you if they don't know you. I only ever had to deal with the bullies. When Ryder came along I knew it was a sick joke. He will just string me along until I break and I have a feeling that he just ended the game. He would never go against his parents and the way they reacted me most likely opened up his eyes. He is probably thinking Thank goodness that I got that useless girl off my back. Now I can live a normal life and pretend I never met her. Don't worry about me. I promise to leave you alone. Ryder deserves a happier life with someone who is beautiful and important. He shouldn't have to deal with someone as ugly and worthless like me. Good bye and I hope that you two will have a happy life together."

I turn and walked away before she could respond. I sigh and continue to walk and try to find my so called "home." When I got to the main roads I realized the city where I stay is less than half a mile. I just walk until I reached my alley and enter it. It is like I remember it, ugly, cold and used for keeping up space. It's just like me. I walk over to my spot and lie down. I feel soft rain drops starting to fall on me. I see that the sky is darkening fast which means that a storm is coming. Not even a minute late the rain petals beat up my body with its quick harsh storm approaching. I sigh and don't even bother to cover myself up. I just close my eyes and drift off into a dreamless sleep.

~Ryder's POV~

"What the hell is wrong with you!? That is my mate out there! Are you insane?" I don't care if they were the people who created me you DO NOT slam the door on my mate.

"Don't you dare talk to us that way. That girl is a human! We can't have a human taint the Lockhart name! She should realize that she doesn't deserve to be in this kind of life. She should go and fall in love with a human." My father speaks of he so coldly that I will be glad to bust his perfect bubble."

"She can't fall in love because she feels like she doesn't deserve it!" Both my parents tense up immediately at what I said. They should see the truth more like right now. "The whole time that I found her she has been saying shit and thinking shit of being too useless for any one to care for her. She thinks that everyone is better off without her. My guess is that after school she will have at most 5 years left before she dies of starvation. She has been trying to escape me because she is afraid of ruining my reputation. She thinks that anyone is better to love than her. I love her with my heart and nothing you say or do will get me to get rid of her. I am going to find her and the pack is going to help. Gather up everyone and tell them to search for Rosaline Cathwood. She had red hair and green eyes.  She is dangerously thin that she could faint and/or die any second. No one will rest until she is safely back in my arms." I walk away from my parents in hopes of finding my mate.

I see Nicole walk up to me and say some shit about us being destined together that I snapped at her. I could not deal with her shit right now and knowing Rosa is out there somewhere is driving me nuts! "Look Nicole I can't deal with you right now. My mate is outside somewhere and I need to find her before she gets hurt."

"But baby! It's cold outside and its pouring down rain! You could get sick and I can't have that for my big strong man!" As she talks I still at the pouring down rain part. Her scent is being washed away by the minute! I can't let Rosa freeze. 

I growl at her and say "You and are nothing. We were never a couple and never will be. My mate is freezing outside and most likely will die if she doesn't get anywhere warm. Her heart won't let her go to a homeless person home so she has no where to go. If you want to get on my good side then find her. I will repay you with any favor you want as long as she gets back to me safely." Once I finished she walks away to the door to go and catch her favor. The realization of the words I just said hit me hard What have I done!?

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