Chapter 4

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Oh what happened? I slowly woke up to hear a steady beeping in the room. When I tried to open my eyes I realized the room was to bright to open at first chance. I lay silently as I heard a door slowly open. I hear a husky voice say "Why won't she wake up?" He sounded so familiar yet I couldn't place my finger on it. I remain silent hoping to find out what the hell is going on.

"You have to remember that she hit her head pretty hard. There were also many bruises on her body that I wouldn't be surprised if she lost blood. She should be waking up sometime in the next day or two. I would advise you to go grab something to eat and take a shower. You have been here as long as she has been. The only difference is that you wash her everyday because you won't let my nurses touch her and you haven't had one in 3 days." 3 days!? Is that how long I've been out for?

"Thanks Josh, I can't show you how grateful I am for you letting me take care of her, even though you didn't have a choice in the matter. I can't lose her. I would be a lifeless shell without her." He can't be talking about me. No one has ever talked about me like that before. Everyone has always been cruel to me so this is a shocker. I have always had the impression that I am a worthless piece of shit.

A growl out of nowhere scared the crap out of me. I heard the familiar voice speak "She keeps thinking negative thoughts? Why does she think that?" Uh oh. I better stay quite for a while because it seems he can read my thoughts. Read my thoughts!? Who is this person?

Then I heard, I think his name is Josh, say "I guess you will have to figure that out later. Just remember that since you are the Alpha of the Moonlight Pack everything is heightened for you including you possessiveness, strength, speed, and the ability to hear your mate's thoughts before the marking. You'll need to be careful with her though because she doesn't know anything about our kind yet." Maybe this is the time I should show them that I am "waking up."

I start to move around and try to open my eyes again. I hear someone say "Quick get out and alert everyone to get out of the house." Once I rubbed my eyes to get the crust out, I start to open them and see a bright white room. I would ask to turn the lights down, but I don't want to be rude. The people that want to take care of me have already helped me more than anyone else in my life.

I hear the familiar voice said "Thank gosh your awake! Why did you run away?" My head turned and I saw that its the new stranger that won't leave me alone. I stare into his eyes and see it going from a light brown to a darker brown as if he was trying to control something inside of him.

I ignored his question and asked one of my own. "Who are you? Why are you helping me? Don't you care about your status or about popularity? Can't you just ignore me like everyone else does?" I feel tears welling up, but I refused to cry. I hate that he makes me feel important because I know one day he will leave me. He will lose interest in me and move on to someone else that will be better for him.

The stranger sighs and says "I'm Ryder, Ryder Lockhart. And for your other questions there is no way in hell I'm going to hurt you, leave you, or allow you to suffer when I could help you back to health. And no, I honestly don't care about a stupid reputation that I won't remember years from now." Ryder Lockhart eh? It kind of suits him.

I sigh and say "Where am I? Can I go home?" There is no way I'm going to tell him I heard his early conversation. He would think . . . I don't even know what his first thought would be if he knew I heard his conversation. It would probably be along the lines of why did I help this girl?

He growls and spoke "You aren't going anywhere. You are going to stay with me at my house and in my room. There is no way I am going to let you go. I just got you and I don't plan on losing you." He just got me? What am I a possession to him that he can throw away?

I say "Am I a possession? And if I am, can you just use me and get it over with?" A single tear slips in my fear of losing my virginity to a somewhat stranger. I never thought that anyone would ever want to have sex with me, rape or not. I always thought that I would die alone, virginity still in tack, with fifty or sixty cats to make up for my loneliness. 

He growls and softly pins me down and hoarsely say "No way in hell will I ever rape you. And for that other shit you are not my possession, you are my one and true soul mate and there is no force in this world that will separate us. You are the most perfect person in the world that it hurts to think I would have a relationship with another girl. They would pale to your beauty." Ryder wipes my tears and they come faster and faster down my cheeks. No one has ever spoken such kind words to me in all my life

I am utterly speechless to this amazing guy in front of me. Now I just have to remember to keep my guard up. I can't deal with a lie. Lies are what destroy me and make me broken. And the sad part is I can't be fixed. At least I don't think so.

Bullied to a Werwolf's Mate?Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora