Chapter 1: Adopted at Last

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Julia ↑↑

Julia's P.O.V

The sound of the clicking handcuffs makes me cringe. 

I tried to run away, again, yet one of my so-called 'sisters' just had to see me creep out the front door. 

"Get in the backseat of the car, we are driving you to the police station from where your current foster family can pick you up," a police officer stated.

"Yeah...I don't have a family, I'm my own person, I'm 16, like, can't you see that? Or are you blind?" I let out a low laugh. The grip on my hand just tightened as the officer sighed audibly.

Of all the places to be caught it had to be in a park...Where there were people and children...who were talking and whispering...about me. I had grown used to that during all of my failed escapes, but the thing that bothered me the most was that I was caught in front of that house. That one place where I was left alone, where I was scarred in places you couldn't even see. This place changed my entire life just like that. It changed in an instant, took as long as it takes to snap our fingers.

As we near the police car, I see a small figure in the window of that house, opening the curtains just a crack, to look at me. A shiver runs down my spine and I am forced in the car to be driven to my fate. 


"Julia this is the 5th time in just 3 months that you have run away, this has got to stop, or else..." Ms. Naris trailed off. Ms. Naris is the head administrator of the orphanage or boarding school, you could say. After the foster family I ran away again they wanted nothing to do with me, so they returned me. 

I knew it, no-one wants me.

"Or what, Mellisa?" I sneer, calling her by her first name. 

Her face hardening, she answers, "Or no music privileges for the rest of the month, I'll be confiscating your headphones"

My headphones were all I had. 


The one getaway I could always rely on. Music has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, even before my parents died. Whether it was classical or indie pop, I could always travel to my 'Music World' and drift far away from all the hate on this stupid world. Just the thought of my music torn from me makes my hands clench to fists. 

All this hate that I have buried in me is smothered with music, without it I'd be a mess.

It can't go.

"No," I growl, "I won't run away again,"

"Thank you, Julia, honey. Now, I wanted to let you know, there's a man who wants to adopt you. He says he knows your father since they were very young, just wanted to warn you, sweetie," she smiles, "He's coming in at 6:30, so please be showered and ready by then. Off you go now,"

I groan and roll my eyes, but inwardly I wonder, who in the world could it be that he knows my father? The social workers have been searching for the next of kin since that fatal night, but nothing came up, so how could this mystery man know my father?

After showering and waiting in Ms. Naris' office for the past hour, a very disheveled looking man walks in. He's wearing a suit and tie, and he keeps glancing at his watch.

"Hi, I'm Mellisa and this Julia"

"Nice to meet you, Nick," I say, hints of sarcasm hidden. Not. I'm 16, it's not like I can't take care of my self.

Taking a seat, he smiles and shakes hands with Ms. Naris. Where he is sitting is directly across from Ms. Naris, and I'm left sitting on one of the ends of the table. No way am I gonna sit next to a guy I barely knew.

"Well Nick, here are some documents you'll have to sign before you can become Julia's legal guardian"

"Of course, Mellisa," he answers. I lay back in my chair, arms resting on my head. This is gonna be a long process.


Hey guys,

Thanks for clicking on this story, it means a lot to me. THIS IS MY FIRST SPANKING STORY SO PLEASE.... feel free to tell me anything you think is off, including grammar and spelling errors. 

PLS, PLS, PLS bear with me and feel free to vote, comment and view, LOL

Ciao for now, WebtoonsLover

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