Chapter 13: Trust

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Disclaimer: This chapter is written in First Person P.O.V.

My hands feel clammy.

I wipe them against my shirt, which probably makes me look more suspicious. The principal looks at me, pity filling his eyes. I steal a glance at Nick. His mouth is pressed into a stiff line. He clears his throat, and when he speaks, his voice comes out cold, "What's on the desk, Julia?"

His eyes never leave the table, but I can tell he's gauging my reaction. Well, he won't get sh*t.

"It's f*cking drugs."

The principals' eyes widen in surprise at my bluntness, but Nicks got used to it.

He tries to hide his shock, but it's so obvious I can barely hold my laugh.

He stumbles for words, "I-I'm quite aware that-that these are drugs, Mrs. Adler, but the question is why are they in your possession?"

I blink for a second before answering, "They were in my possession? That's bullsh*t."

"Watch your language, Mrs. Adler, but they were found in your locker."

I open my mouth, but nothing falls out. Silence hangs in the air before I speak up.

"Well, they're not mine." I reply, stupidly.

"The evidence suggests otherwise."

The fact that the principal insists those drugs were mine is beyond me. It makes me wanna tear my hair out.

I lean forward in my chair, and grit my teeth, "Those drugs are not mine." I pause between each word and almost spit in his face before Nick's voice strikes terror in me.

"Get. Back."

I comply and lean back in my chair. The principal's looking flustered, and I internally smirk. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who cowers beneath Nick's glare.

"The bag containing your drugs was tested, your fingerprints are everywhere."

His words echo in my ear.


"No way, I swear that's not mine! I wouldn't be so dumb to keep it at school in my locker no less!" My voice grows higher, and I keep spewing words out until I realize something.

"Why was the school in my locker?"

The principal looked nervous and wiped his bald forehead.

"We found an anonyms note."

"That dosen't mean sh*t!" I'm so close to running out of the room. The one thing I can't stand is being blamed for some other f*ckers sh*t.

I'm about to argue my point when Nick speaks.

"Mr. Clarkson, could we see the note?"

My muscles tense when he hands me a small sticky note.

My eyes scan over the words, and when I'm done, I crumple it in my hand.

"It's fake." I refused to be the victim of somebody else's drug use.

Mr. Clarkson let out a snort. "You expect me to believe that someone planted drugs in your locker and then wrote us a note, please Ms. Adler, do not toy with us."

I stand up abruptly, letting my chair fall over with a thud.

"Believe me, Mr. Clarkson, if I was toying with you, I wouldn't have gotten caught."

His smug expression falls. I bathe in my glory until Nick grabs my shoulder and forcefully pulls me back.

"Not another word Julia, go grab your stuff from your locker." Nick meets my eyes, surprising me when instead of anger, there's disappointment residing in his features.

I exit his office, catching the last words of their conversation.



I yank open my locker and cut my finger on a piece of metal stuck out.

"Fuck," I mutter and suck my finger, trying to stop the bleeding. I rummage through my locker, looking for my books and phone. My hand wraps around some old candy wrappers. I clutch them and open my palm to instead see a crumpled note, not unlike the one condemning me to possess drugs.

I let out a groan and read the note.

Hello Little Birdie,

Did you enjoy the surprise I left in your locker?

I left them a note, which they stupidly believed.

Do you know how I got your fingerprints on that bag?

Well, if you must, remember that day you brought a sandwich in a bag?

I just used that to dump those drugs in.

Now don't be mad, your father won't be too harsh on you.

Something feels familiar. The way it's written. The stalker, they're the person behind this all. I rip the notes to shreds, anger fueling my actions. I dump it in the nearest trashcan. 

Someone admitted they planted drugs in my locker using a lunch bag I once brought to school. They fished it out of the trash and used it. 


Whoever did this thought this through. They planned everything perfectly. They're playing me. I'll promise myself one thing. I will find this b*stard and beat him at his own game, silently toying with him, like a game of cat and mouse.

A voice snaps me out of my thoughts. It's Nick.

I walk over to him, ready for pleading my case, but he shuts me up with a quick glare.


Nick pulls into our driveway, silently parking the car.

I can't stand the accusing silence anymore, "I swear, I didn't-"

He cuts me off, "Go to your room, I'll meet you there."

I stand still for a second, before darting off into the house. I don't want to admit it, but I'm stunned he doesn't believe me. I can't fathom how in the world I thought he was different. That maybe, there was a slight chance that he cared. 

I shrug it off. I'll be back in the foster house in less than a week. I guarantee it. I sit on my bed, trying to savor every last ounce of comfort before it's the cold hard floor for me. As I said, love isn't enough anymore.


Hello lovely readers,

I hope you liked the new chapter! I decided to do it from a first-person point of view. Could you guys please comment if you prefer a third or first-person point of view? I won't be updating until I get enough comments! (Psst, something big's coming up!!)

Don't forget to vote!

Ciao for now,


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