Chapter 7: Not Again

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She was hungry.

She hadn't had a decent meal since, well this morning. All she wanted to do was lie down and tune out the world. But life just had to be sour and so she sighed as Nick led her up the front steps and into the dark house. He tossed his jacket onto a hook as she slid off her backpack dropping it carelessly onto the floor. He saw the backpack's contents spill across the carpet and decided to let it slide just this once. He pointed to a chair and wordlessly dared her to argue. She sat down, but not before giving him a look. He stepped into the kitchen and started preparing her a sandwich, after all, she never had lunch. Walking over, he placed the sandwich in front of her.

"Alright," he said gently, "Want to tell me what happened?"

"Not really, but I don't recall having a choice."

"Correct you are," he said, a playful smirk on his face.

"So, from the beginning with your side of things."

"But don't you already know everything, Didn't the guy Mr. What's-His-Name tell you all this?" she asked.

"The principal" she clarified, once looking at Nick's confused face.

" He did, but Julia, stop stalling. I suggest you start now if you know what's good for you," a warning began to lay beneath his tone but Julia went on.

"What if, " she said, arms crossed and a sly smile on her lips, "I don't know what's good for me?"

She was here three days and she was already the spitting image of defiance if he ever saw one.

In a voice too kind it threw her off, he said: "Would you like a reminder?"

Her face fell.

He ran his hand through his hair, "I can't believe I would be doing this so soon," he muttered.

Julia quickly caught on to what he meant and jumped out of his reach, "What! F*ck no!"

"Well then sit down this instant young lady," he warned ignoring her language. Reluctantly, she sat down. "Start explaining," he said.

"I got into a f*cking fight and got my face busted open, but," she paused, "You should've seen what happened to his face."

"Alright, that's it, get up."

"Can't make me," she smirked.

"Are you really gonna test me?" When he got no reply from the resistant teen he grabbed her bicep and yanked her off her chair. Turning her around he lay four heavy smacks onto her backside.

"Ready to talk now?" he questioned, still having a hold of her bicep. Julia still refusing to swallow her pride said nothing. Nick shook his head, surprised at the child's antics. He hoisted his foot on the chair and continued with his hand. Julia focused all her energy on trying to not let out a single cry but it was getting harder and harder until she finally gave up.

"Fine! Fine, just let me get off," she said as she stood up. Nick was glad he didn't have to punish the teen further. After all, she was just a kid who was lost, and she didn't need to have him breathing down her neck at every second of her life. What she did need though, was an attitude adjustment.

"Look all I did was call him an asshole and then punch him," she said, exasperated. "I didn't even through the first punch."

"Anything else I should know?"

"That son of a bitch deserved it," she said with a smile.


"I'll swear whenever I f*cking want," she spit.

"Look, kid," Nick bent down and looked Julia straight in the eye, "You know I don't like doing this to you, but you leave me no choice. You need to understand that this isn't the outside world. You need to watch your actions and your language for that matter. And seriously, a fight on your first day of school, you've got to do much better than that. Come on now, we better get those wounds cleaned up."

"Nah, they don't hurt that much, I'll just wash 'em off," she said, wincing as she walked towards the stairs.

"Alright, suit yourself"

Her stomach growled reminding herself that she was still very hungry. She turned to look back at the still warm sandwich. Nick was in the kitchen, washing the dishes. She slowly tiptoed towards the table and meekly picked up the plate, taking it to her room.

Taking a single bite felt like heaven in physical form.

Why was the sandwich so delicious?

Two gulps later and the entire plate was licked clean.

Walking into her bathroom she observed herself in the mirror and saw that her cuts were deep. Maybe she should've let Nick handle them. Well, it was too late now, she splashed her face with the cold water and scrubbed every last drop of blood off. Clumsily applying some band-aids she stepped back and admired her handiwork in the mirror. Looking back, she remembered why the cuts were so deep. Denzel, the kid who punched her, was wearing a golden diamond-encrusted ring. She had hoped his stupid ring would just cut his finger clean off, but that, unfortunately, wasn't the case. Suddenly, a knock sounded on the door, and a head poked through, "Hey kiddo, I just wanted to let you know that you should get on with your homework."

Julia internally cringed at being called "kiddo" but nodded anyway and proceeded to take the piles of accumulated homework out of her bag. Slapping her headphones on she fell into a familiar rhythm, gently bobbing her head to the peaceful tunes.


Hi Guys,

Thanks for all the votes! I can't tell you how happy I am! And I have OVER 2.8K views. That means a lot to me. It gives me encouragement to write.

I wanted to apologize for the late update, life has just been kinda busy. But now I have a lot more free time on my hands, so expect slightly quicker updates. 

Feel free to message me with any ideas/prompts you would like me to write about.

Last thing, please stay safe and thank you to all our front-line workers, package, shipping, delivery-anyone who puts their life on the line for us.

Don't forget to Vote and Comment (I'm not getting a lot of comments, so plz comment)

Ciao for now,


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