Chapter 11: Secrets

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The door creaked open, letting a sliver of light in the room.

Nick stepped in the room, glad to see Julia sound asleep.

He felt terrible for leaving her like that. He should have offered her words of comfort, but she was so angry, and he didn't know what to do. Closing the door gently, he rubbed his eyes, an idea forming in his mind.


The first thing Julia realized was the covers ripped off her body. Her eyes immediately darted to her hand, hoping somehow, the knife wouldn't be there.

It wasn't.

Julia let out a sigh of relief, which morphed into a huge yawn.

"What's the damn time?"

"Time for you to get out of bed, Jules," Nick cheerfully said.

Again with the nickname.

"It's too bright for my personality."

"Oh, don't be such a weirdo, I'll be downstairs with a surprise for you."

Julia looked at him funny, waiting for her dead brain to process his words.

"M'kay, just leave."

By the time Julia trudged downstairs, Nick had already made breakfast and was setting it on the table.

"Took you long enough, kiddo," Nick said, smiling.

Julia was honestly getting annoyed by his happiness. Nick had that way of always grinning and staying happy, but Julia forgot that feeling the day her parents died.

When Julia's plate was in the sink, Nick asked her to sit at the table. He was hesitant but determined to give Julia a good time, so he presented her with two tickets to an amusement park.

Julia was surprised when Nick pulled two flimsy pieces of paper out of his back pocket. Julia was still jittery from all the texts she had received last night. A day out in a park sounded like the best thing ever. So when she agreed, Julia tried to keep the excitement out of her voice. But of course, Nick saw right through that.


The sweet cotton candy hand never tasted better. Maybe Julia had eaten too many french fries or the roller coaster she had just been on liquefied her brain, but she had never felt so free before. Just as the Ferris wheel reached it's the highest point, Julia closed her eyes. She imagined, even if only for a moment, what it would feel like if her parents never died. Her mother would be sitting next to her on the Ferris wheel, squeezing her tight, deathly afraid of heights. Her dad would be laughing, his deep throaty voice floating through the air. Julia let herself smile at the image in her head, knowing in the deepest part of her heart, it could never be true.

When Julia finally opened her eyes, she coughed to hide the sob that fought to escape her.

Somehow Nick's hand snaked around her back and rested on her shoulders. Julia didn't usually like affectionate hugs, but his time, she held on to his arm like a lifeline. Because, if she didn't, she would surely float away.

When they finally stepped down from the Ferris Wheel, Nick went to the bathroom, claiming he had to go.

Julia stood there waiting when a chill crawled up her spine. She looked around, turning her head from side to side. The familiar feeling of unease started to worm its way into her. She was hoping Nick would return soon, but there was no sign of him. A twig cracked. Julia turned her head so fast she got whiplash.

There was something in the bushes.

As she took a step toward it, sunlight reflected off the hard surface, blinding her for a second. When she recovered, the item was gone.

But Julia had already seen what it was.


The boy sucked in a breath.

His back was on fire. The man behind him rolled up his sleeves, showing off bulging muscles. He heard the snap before the pain.

The pain.

It kept him alive. Pain meant he wasn't dead.

The boy clenched his teeth in anticipation of the next blow. It never came. Instead, a fist punched the side of his head, causing him to roll over. He lay there limp, hand on his stomach. He covered his shirtless abs and his neck. He knew where every blow would land, every punch, every kick. After all, he had years of experience. The boy knew the man would punch and kick him as he lay there on the cold wooden floor, helpless. It was no use fighting back. 

Fighting back just meant more pain, more misery, more aspirin, more days spent at home. The kicks came from every direction, but he didn't mind. The drunken man swung his beer bottle and smashed it inches from the boy's face.

" to your old man, huh son?" he said, his words slurred.

The boy trembled as he fought to get up, "T-thank you, father."

His father kicked him one last time as he walked away watching him crumple to the floor, leaving the bloodied belt next to him.

Once in his room, the boy stuffed his mouth with a sweaty cloth so he wouldn't scream. Then with quivering fingers, he pulled the shard of glass stuck in his shoulder. It slid out with ease, but it fell on his hand, cutting him once more. 

He flicked it away into the corner where there was enough glass to build another bottle of wine. The mirror he kept in his bathroom was cracking at the edges and dirty. He looked up and studied his back in the reflection.

Cuts crisscrossed every which way and disgusting shades of blue, purple, and red, lined his entire torso. Despite the pain, the boy cracked a smile and slipped on a full-sleeved shirt. He buttoned it up and checked every angle to make sure that none of his bruises were visible. When he was satisfied, he grabbed his backpack and made his way down to WestField high, where he had another week of detention to serve.


Hi guys,

I don't know what to tell you. I know I kinda neglected this book for a while, but I'm back!

I need story ideas, so go ahead and comment or message me about any ideas you have. Don't forget to vote! (I really need the inspiration *winks*)

Anyway, until next time!

Ciao for now,


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