Facts about the movies

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1) The baby in Harry potter 1 is Albus Severus potter in harry potter 7.

2) Although based on the longest book in the series, Harry Potter and the order Phoenix is the shortest of the movies.

3) There is a note in the end credits of Goblet of fire that reads: "no dragons were harmed in the making of the movie)

4) Filming the torture scene between Hermione and Bellatrix was so intense that a lot of it had to be cut to avoid R rating in the States. It was also intense for Helena and Emma. So brutal that Helena approached Emma afterwards to make sure that they were still on good terms.

5) Daniel Radcliffe's stunt double through the first six Harry Potter films, David Holmes, was paralysed from the waist down during the sixth film while practising a flying scene that included an explosion.

6)Daniel and Rupert both admit to having a crush on Emma Watson in earlier films.

7) The scene featuring the hug between voldemort and Draco in deathly hollows part 2 took about 25 takes and the hug was only done in one of them.

8) Tom Felton robe pockets were sewn shut to stop him sneaking food on set.

9) Daniel broke over 80 wands while filming the harry potter movies because he used them as drumsticks.

10) During the scene where the horcrux version of Harry and hermione were kissing, Rupert got sent off the set because he was laughing too much.

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