Chapter Nine: Freedom's Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose

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I dial the number on the slip of paper Kamski gave me.


I don't say anything, my mouth not wanting to work.


"Y-yeah," I stutter, twirling a piece of hair with my free hand.

I can almost hear his cocky smirk through the phone. "Well what do I owe the pleasure of hearing from you already?"

I roll my eyes. "I was wondering if you wanted to meet for lunch to talk? I know you're a recluse and all."

"Yeah, that'll work. How about the mall?"

I nod then almost face palm myself. He can't see me. "That's fine. I'll see you in an hour?"

"Sounds good. Meet me at the burger place."

I hang up, getting dressed for the day. I dress up a bit more than usual, putting on a nice grey blouse with criss-cross straps at the top. I stick with my skinny jeans. I don't want to get carried away.

"Where are you going?" a voice calls out from the kitchen and a moment later, Connor appears in the living room as I'm shrugging on a jacket.


"Where?" He stands stiffly, reminding me of the difference between us.

"God, Connor, you aren't my dad. I'm going out on a lunch date." Date may be a stretch with Kamski, but I want the android to drop it.

"A date?" He almost looks sad but I know he doesn't have emotions. He's told me many times. I'm finally believing him.

"Yes. I'll see you and Hank later tonight." With that, I head out. My taxi is already there, waiting for me. The distance from Hank's house and the mall is close to fifteen minutes, and Kamski is already waiting for me. He's in a get up to avoid being hassled.

"You look like a pervy uncle," I tell him, hanging my coat on the back of my chair before sitting down.

"That's the idea."

Kamski has already ordered and I order a Cajun styled burger when the waiter returns, alongside a lemonade. Elijah starts playing with his silverware, clearly unsure of where to go from here.

"So have you made a decision?"

"What?" I ask for clarification.

"About where you stand...with androids and humans."

"Is there a neither option?" I say, tapping my foot rapidly in nervousness.

"Unfortunately, not. You might be Connor's only hope."

"Have a crush on the deviant hunter, Kamski?" I tease him.

"Of course not. I have a whole brothel of Chloes at home. I just know things, Aurora."

"Care to share them?"

He shakes his head, smirking. "Not really. It's more fun to watch you figure them out."

I roll my eyes. "Back to where I stand, I really don't know. I stand with my mother, but she abandoned me. I hate humans for having to make her run in the first place. You're on that list of blame, too, android creator."

"I did want them around to benefit society, but I didn't want them to make society go seventy years backwards. They're alive. That wasn't my intention when creating them. I just wanted a clean integration into society. Your father left after the first android was fully created. He knew what would become of it. He took AI ethics in college and it showed," he grins, taking a sip of his drink that had arrived minutes earlier.

"Wait, my dad helped create androids?" I'm shocked. As far as I knew, my dad was an engineer. Always had been, though it had been for machinery, not androids.

"He created the parts. Memory and the processors. We wouldn't have gotten anywhere without him."

I nod, soaking the information in. I couldn't believe it. My father never told me of his job past. He probably wouldn't have gotten hurt on the job if he would've stayed with Cyberlife either.

"You're a critical thinker like him. I can already tell. Why haven't you gone to college yet?" He raises an eyebrow.

I shrug. "What's the point? Everything will be replaced by machines anyways."

He shakes his head in disagreement. "Technology can't work on technology. There are set protocols for androids and only humans can think outside them. Androids can deduce probability of success and determine the best outcomes in seconds but as for improvements? It would be very hard. Even if they become deviant. You should think about going. Just my two cents."

I nod, taking a look out the window behind him. My eyes widen at the scene. "Kamski, look!"

He turns in his chair before standing up. I follow suit, going outside behind him.

"Stay close to me, Aurora."

I nod, watching the crowd march in front of me. At the front is the deviant leader, Markus. He looks different with his skin on.

"Hey! Disperse! DISPERSE IMMEDIATELY! THAT'S AN ORDER! Jesus fuckin'        Christ!" a cop screams at them, and the androids raise their hands up high. They're indicating that it's a peace protest. The cop goes over to the side by parked cars, calling for backup. The androids continue to march. Kamski and I follow alongside, me pulling out my phone and recording.

"We are alive!" they begin chanting and I get chills down my spine at the sheer force of the words and the many saying them. Towards the end of the street, four police cars show up, the occupants getting out. Kamski pulls me behind him, but I slip back around. We don't continue walking closer, though. I also don't stop recording.

I jump when a helicopter flies overhead, and I know something bad is going to happen. I can feel it in my gut. The same way I felt the day I ran with my mother.

SWAT troops rush from the right and the urge to run and protect them hits me hard. Hard enough that Kamski actually grabs my wrist to keep me from walking into the street.

"This needs to play out, Aurora."

"We came here to demonstrate peacefully and tell humans that we are living        beings. All we want is to live free," Markus says clearly to the troops that have made a barrier with shields.

"This is an illegal gathering. Disperse immediately or we will open        fire."

"We're not looking for confrontation. We've done no harm, we have no        intention of doing any, but know that we are not going anywhere until we have secured our freedom."

"I repeat: this is an illegal gathering. If you do not disperse        immediately, we will shoot!" the officer threatens. I look up at Kamski who is intently watching the scene. I can't tell what his feelings are by his guarded expression.

"This is your last chance! Disperse immediately or you will all be        killed!"

The androids don't move, standing their ground. A minute later, the police open fire. I'm frozen, my phone out in front of me, watching the bodies fall to the ground. They pause, giving the crowd one more time to disperse.

Markus walks ahead, standing. A shot hits him square in the chest and he crumples to the ground. A cop walks towards him and he's attacked by an android in a maintenance hat. They wrestle him to the ground, beating him continuously as Markus is dragged away.

I put my phone away, my hands shaking as I do so. My chest feels like it's going to have a panic attack.

"Are you sure you still want to remain neutral?" Kamski asks, turning to me. I shake my head, tears coming to the surface.

"I know what side I'm on."

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