Chapter Seventeen: Everything Changes

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Kamski is running late, as I knew he'd be. I'm surprised that he said yes to coming to Christmas at all. Hank and I started eating anyways without him, figuring he'll forage for food somewhere. It's not like he's rich or anything.

"I really don't think he's going to come, Ror," Hank says, setting his plate on the coffee table. He had already gotten thirds of the food Connor and I prepared. Well, more Connor, as I'm not the best at following steps and directions.

"He's coming," Connor comments, taking Hank's plate into the kitchen, and I hear the sound of the plate being rinsed. With Connor being never tired and somewhat of a neat freak, our house has never been this clean consistently.

There's a knock at the door and Connor basically mows me down when I go to answer it. I glare at his back as he opens the door.

"Kamski, you are so late. What do you have to say—" The words fall off when I see a ghost walk through my door.


"Aurora." She holds her arms wide for me to hug her but I remain still, confused as to what's happening. I look to Kamski who's come in behind her.

"It's Connor's Christmas present to you. He found the hardrive at the Church, giving it to me. As she was my prototype in the beginning anyways."

My mother takes a few steps towards me uncertainly, probably confused by my reaction. "I know this is probably a shock to you, but I'm really here. It honestly feels like only yesterday I died, but I believe it's been over a year. I'm sorry for leaving you."

I nod. My mind cannot decide if this is a good surprise or not. "I'm sorry, I'm just so stunned right now."

She wraps me into a hug, and without warning, I start sobbing into her chest, the weight of these last four years taking it's toll on me. There's a hand on my back and I immediately know it's Connor. He softly pulls us both over to the couch, sitting our bodies down.

"How's Jericho?" she asks me when I pull away, drying my eyes.

"Jericho is dead," I reply. "But Markus won't let it. He's bitter."

My mother nods. "If I still had been leader, I'd be bitter too. Aurora, I've seen so many good people die. People that I tried so hard to save. But if Markus is out for blood, all those sacrifices will be for nothing and I'm not going to allow that."

"You can't rise up as rA9 though," Kamski pipes up from where he's leaning against the wall. "You aren't the public face. Aurora is."

All eyes in the room turn to me, and I blush under the scrutiny. "A human can't go against another android leader. That's crazy."

"It's only crazy unless that human is carrying an Android." Kamski tosses a small gift box to me, and Connor catches it in front of me, opening it. Inside is a pregnancy test. His eyes look wide to mine.

"It's too early," Hank says, his face completely white in shock. "Right?" He looks between Connor and I.

Connor shakes his head. "It'll detect it as we started about six weeks ago. Rory has been ill the last couple weeks."

I smack him lightly. "Connor, shut up," I growl out, noticing the grin growing on Kamski's face. Sighing, my hands grab the pink box, running to the bathroom, shutting the door after Connor comes in. He sits on the edge of bathtub, watching me with anxiety as I pull down my leggings, feeling too bloated for jeans. When I'm done, Connor sets a timer.

"I'm surprised you can't just dip your finger in my pee and lick it to determine if I'm pregnant," I say sarcastically, pulling the lid of the toilet down and sitting on top.

"Stop stressing yourself, Aurora." His hand grabs mine from across the small space, his right free hand getting the stick when the timer goes off.

"What does it say?" The pregnancy test is handed to me, and my stomach drops at the results. "You're going to be a father, Connor."

"And you a mother." His mouth quirks up into a grin, his mouth letting out a sigh of relief. "I'm going to be a dad." He takes the stick back, looking down in joyous amazement. Finally, he stands up, practically skipping from the room to tell the others. I roll my eyes, following the deviant hunter from behind as he excitedly tells everyone the news.

"So this will be a human-Android baby?" my mother confirms, and we nod. "And you ran one test before trying it on my daughter?" She turns an accusatory tone onto Kamski.

"If we want to stop Markus—"

"It's not about that! You just wanted someone to test it on and who better than my daughter who happens to be in a relationship with an Android?" I've seen my mother angry before, and I never thought angry robot. Anyone looking on now would be terrified.

"Mom, stop." I place a hand on her shoulder. "We agreed to it. We are at fault too."

Hank stands up, looking between all of us. "This is Christmas. I think you all are forgetting that there's a baby involved, our grandchild," he looks at my mother, "and your godchild." That's directed to Kamski. "So sit the fuck down and enjoy each other. I need a drink." Connor looks to Hank in worry, as he had laid off drinking the last month. I just pushed him off the wagon.

"No, Hank Anderson, you put that bottle down," my mother says, storming into the kitchen after him. We can all watch the two as the room is only separated by a wide archway.

She takes the bottle of whiskey, tossing it into the sink, and I gasp slightly when I hear a shatter. "I watched you neglect my daughter due to this stupid drink. We both lost our kids that day, Hank. Instead, I got to watch mine go through depression and loneliness, while I couldn't even do shit about it." Her and Hank are practically nose to nose, his mouth slightly agape at her accusations.

"I-I" he stutters, looking over to me. "I'm sorry, Rory. I'm so fucking sorry."

I nod, unsure of how to react. "Can you please lay off the drinking, Hank? That shit's getting old, and it isn't just me worried about you this time." My head turns towards Connor who's petting Sumo, a sad look on his face. Realization crosses Hank then, that it isn't just me relying on him anymore; he's now Connor's father too. Our innocent little deviant hunter that spends each night cuddling me asleep, then cleaning the house and petting Sumo, eager for us to wake up.

"Look, I need to get to Rose's. It's a tradition," I say, getting my coat and putting it on. "Want to come, Mom?"

She nods. "Of course. I need to thank her again for saving us."

"One more present, though," Kamski says, handing me a small box and an envelope. "Well, kinda two." He rubs the back of his neck awkwardly and I want to giggle at the action. My hands eagerly take the two items, opening the envelope first.

"An acceptance letter to University of Michigan?" I question, looking into my godfather's eyes.

He nods. "Everything will be paid for. Tuition, supplies, all of it. Your father would've wanted you to go to college. I failed him by not getting you at the hospital. This is my way of repaying that error."

My hands fold the paper back into the envelope, realizing that I wouldn't be able to use it until after the baby was older. I move onto the next small box. "Car keys? You bought me a car?"

"Well, you're a growing family. So really, it's for you and Connor both."

I stand up, going over to hug him. He awkwardly pats my head, not used to the affection. Well, not from a human at least, just his brothel of Chloes.

"Thank you, Kamski."

"Call me Elijah. We're family now."

I nod, smiling softly, turning to Connor and my mother.

"Ready to go?"

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