Chapter Thirteen: Robotic Grandchildren

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Everything is a blur. I see androids going down left and right. When I go to help someone, they're taken out in the head immediately. A boot hits my back, sending me into the ground and I wait for the bullet to come.

The weight is lifted, and I get up to see North beating my attacker. I grab the one coming in from behind her, grabbing his gun and using it to beat his own face in. North grabs my elbow, pulling me away under a pavilion. Markus is there with the small handful of people left alive. Soldiers surround us, Connor didn't come, we are screwed.

Markus turns towards North, pulling her towards him. Their skin disappears on their hands as they touch, and they lean in for a final goodbye kiss. I close my eyes, waiting for the end for what feels like the thousandth time today. After a few moments, I reopen, only to see the soldiers retreating.

"Markus, they're—"

"I know. They ceased. I think it's going to be okay," he says to me, North still in his arms. A bittersweet pang starts in my chest. It's over, but Connor isn't here.

I walk away from the triumphant deviants, feeling more out of place than ever. Climbing over the barricade, I go where Markus and I stood not even an hour ago to make a deal with Perkins. Now, all the militia is gone and a blank snow covered lot stood in front of me.


There was a horde of people walking towards me, all dressed in white.

That is, all but one, dressed in a black CyberLife uniform.

"Connor?" I question to myself, my legs feeling as if they'd give out. Is he the reason the military was called off? I climb back over the wall, getting the attention of the survivors. "Markus! It's Connor!" I don't wait for them; I run towards the deviant hunter, slipping on the snow but still making it to him in a short minute.

"You did it," Connor says, pressing kisses against my mouth.

"No," Markus speaks up from behind me. "We did it." A knowing look passes between the men. Connor walks to the side, me in tow, so that the deviant leader can see the reinforcements that came.

North walks over to Markus. "We are free." They touch hands before kissing again. Connor grabs ahold of my hand, looking at the two lovers.

I stand behind Markus as he gives his speech, Connor beside me. I try to listen, but I'm still so shocked at everything. One day changed everything.

A movement to my left catches my eye, and I see Connor pull out a pistol. What is he doing.

"Connor, are you alright?" I ask, but he doesn't even look over. It's like he's not even deviant, he's completely robot. I shift in front of him, hiding the gun from site, in case it alarms someone to attack him. Something isn't okay.

Leaning in to whisper, I relay what Kamski told me about exit programs. I doubt he can hear me over the malfunction, though. If he doesn't pull out of the hold on him, he'll shoot me in the back, as I'm not moving.

I breathe a sigh of relief when the gun leaves my back, presumably into his pocket.

"CyberLife tried to take back control," Connor says, wrapping his arms around me from behind. I lean back against him, closing my eyes.

"I knew something was happening. I wouldn't let you shoot him, you know."

"I know. Thank you, Aurora."

"Your welcome, Connor."

Connor drives me home, exhausted and a bit beat up. My ear wasn't hurting as much but the boot to the back seemed to have broken a rib, according to the doctor that looked me over. He helps me out of the car, gingerly putting his arm around me as we walk in together. Sumo and Hank are on the couch, and the latter stands up, his eyes wide with worry.

"Aurora!" Hank grunts out, tears pooling in his eyes. We are at a stand off, unsure of what the either should do. Finally, he comes towards me, pulling me into a hug. I cry out in pain but return it to the best of my ability.

"You're hurt?" he asks, looking me up and down, stopping on my patched ear.

"Broken rib. The ear was just a gunshot graze."

He laughs at me, pulling me towards the couch. "Looks like you should be a detective now. You have some field experience now."

"Oh yes," I grin, scooting over gingerly so Connor can sit down on my free side. "My resume can say 'helped lead android protestors and insulted Perkins'."

"I'd hire you just based on the Perkins part," he grunted out. "But what was it with you two on the news! You were kissing each other."

"Oh that. We already made your grandchild before that."

He pauses, a look of disgust crossing his features. "I didn't want to hear—"

"I'm kidding, Hank. We are two innocent souls. Promise," I grin, placing my hand to my heart dramatically. Looking over at Connor, I decide I want to hear his story of breaking into CyberLife.

"Well, Hank was there."

I raise an eyebrow, looking over to my father. "You were there?"

He nods, grunting. "The Connor replica they sent was a very good imposter. I went with him, thinking he was our Connor."

Connor's hand finds mine. I wonder if he was touched by Hank basically taking him into the family. What it took me four years, it only took him a month. Though, without him, I think Hank would be dead and I would've been alone, friendless and unloved.

Hank finishes the events of yesterday before sending me to my room. Apparently, he's had many broken bones from his years on duty. Connor helps me out of my clothes, and I realize then that I do not have my bra on.

"My mom!" I say, looking at my upper body in horror.

Connor looks alarmed, probably thinking CyberLife is trying to take me over next. "What's wrong?"

"Lucy gave me a drive with my mother's memories on it. I put it in my bra, but we left that back at the church. Did you see it when you picked them up?"

He shakes his head. "No, I didn't. I'm sorry, Ror."

I sit down on the bed, tears falling into my hands. The last three years of my mother's life I'll never get to know. I'll never know who rA9 was. My mother is gone, officially, forever. "I must've lost it in the water. I'm so stupid."

Connor silently helps me put a shirt on then plaid pajama pants, tucking me under the covers. "You still have the memories of her, Rory, and no one can take that away." He places a chaste kiss to my forehead before going to the doorway.

"Goodnight, Connor."

"Goodnight, Aurora."

"Don't forget to brush Sumo," I say, knowing he'll do chores immediately.

"I already have a list."

I giggle after the door closes, falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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