The First Time

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It is again, the first day for humans outside of Eden, carrying Aziraphale's flaming sword, Adam and Eve are out on the world as two beings watch them from the Eastern Gate. One, a bright figure, Aziraphale, the guardian, with his shiny white clothing, sea blue eyes, and snow white hair, not too tall, not short either, just what we humans call average, with not so average wings, when it comes to humans. As the rest of angels, Aziraphale had the whitest of white as a color to his wings. He looked at how Adam tried to make use of the flaming sword he gave him in companion of a taller figure. Almost as if he were Aziraphale's shadow, Crowley was also there, with wings as dark as the night and long hair, red as if it was made of fire with his bright snake eyes looking at the angel, he had just met Aziraphale, who was a bit worried about giving the sword away.
It started to rain.
"Lovely" Crowley thought, but not for the rain who was new for them both, but for Aziraphale, he was an angel, but Crowley had felt so alone for so long, he couldn't help but seek the company of Aziraphale, now as he looked for cover under the angel's wing. Whatever Crowley felt in that moment was somehow hidden for the excitement of a new friend, once again, he thought, an angel and a demon cannot be friends, but who was there to care? Definitely not Hell, they never checked.
What Aziraphale felt was also excitement, but mostly relief, as he thought he had done something wrong giving them the sword, but when Crowley had told him "I don't think you can do anything bad, you're an angel after all" he felt relief as ever, he was so worried God was going to get mad at him, but Crowley's words had helped the angel to calm down, an angel who was now sensing something new, something he had never sensed before "the demon's presence must be it" he said to himself.

Now the storm was almost over so Crowley decided he had had enough of human observing for the day, and decided it was about time to go back to Hell and report the situation.
"Well that was... Different" he said "Hope to meet you in a future angel" He actually had enjoyed his company.
"I hope so as well" Aziraphale said, but Crowley was already gone.

And now, back to present day again, Crowley was just telling Aziraphale how that exact day, he felt, he almost knew, that was the first of many times seeing each other, the beginning of a friendship, quite irregular, but a friend after all, was a friend to him.
Crowley was trying his best to show the angel all the hints he had been dropping for him, something he intended to finish quite soon, as he definitely could not wait another 6000 years to ask the angel out on a date, and who knows, maybe if he was lucky even kiss him.

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