Caught in the Stars

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The stars, that was were Crowley was taking Aziraphale, not exactly the stars, just a place he knew where they would be visible, although the idea of running away with him to Alpha Centauri with him was still a temptation.
Crowley had always been fascinated by stars, after all, he had created some, and he felt it was right showing Aziraphale all the beauty in them, perhaps even reveal his little secret, or was it too soon? 6000 years was too soon?
"Where are we going? I thought this was just dinner" said a really confused Aziraphale.
"Oh and it is just a dinner, this is the dessert, angel" Devilish, as he was, Crowley wanted to tease the angel without giving away the surprise, he was determined to help the angel love him, his way, but he was trying his best.
"What is it? Are we having cake at another place? You know I love cake" Crowley at this point didn't know if Aziraphale was nervous, joking, or really dumb. "I'm joking, but were are you taking me?" The demon was actually glad he was joking.
"It's a surprise, Aziraphale. What's the fun if I tell you?"
"Give me a clue, maybe?"
"Oh just shut up, angel"
There was no way Crowley was telling him the surprise, it had to be special, it had to be unexpected.
They arrived, both got out of the car, and Crowley headed to the trunk of the Bentley, where he pulled out a mantle, a basket and some champagne.
"Remember that picnic you promised at Soho, 1967?" Crowley said as he prepared everything while an astonished Aziraphale could do anything but look.
"I didn't promise anything, it was just a suggestion, I didn't we'd, you know, actually have it" The demon was being extra nice today, Aziraphale actually liked it.
"Good enough for me, come and sit angel" Crowley said, and now he didn't know how to continue, bringing up the feelings theme might had been right, so he gave it a try. "You know, about this morning," Crowley began as Aziraphale sat "not really common in me, but I'm actually trying to make you feel comfortable about what happened" Crowley got stuck, was some sort of panic what he was feeling?, "So I decided I should take you here, look up, the stars, constellations, the universe, right there"
"So beautiful yet so far away" completed Aziraphale "you look so nostalgic talking about them though"
"You know I helped creating them right?"
"I believe you told me once before"
"The thing is, we are here because I wanted you to see them, I am a demon, but I have created beautiful things in the past, if I still can admire them, why wouldn't I be able to create them? I actually meant it when I said I wanted to run away with you to the stars, it was not just panic about Hell finding out about 'our side', I actually wanted to be there, with you" the demon had a soft side, he was showing it for the first time ever, just in hopes, Aziraphale would understand how much he meant to him. "Now you know, it's up to you, I will wait, forever if I need to, just know, I want to create again beauty, I know I still can, and I want to try it, with you, you mean everything to me Aziraphale, that's the best I can do."
Aziraphale was speechless. Crowley, his best friend, who seemed always careless, had just given him the most beautiful speech he had ever heard? Where would this take them? And now Aziraphale couldn't think straight, he was caught of ward, he didn't expect this.
"Say something angel, you can't look at me like that forever"
"Crowley, your best is perfect" Crowley felt relieved by this "it's just I didn't expect you to do this, first you take me on a date, and now this, you are opening your heart and I don't know how to answer, I know I want you, I love you, but I've never done this before, I'm nervous, I'm scared, I'm a mess"
"You know it angel, I can wait, take your time, I get it, this is also new for me you know? I just thought this might help"
"Kiss me Crowley, do it, I can't" Aziraphale said, in the verge of a mental breakdown, if angels could have them, he couldn't kiss Crowley for a simple reason "It's not that I don't want to, I want it, more than anything, but I just don't know how to"
"That's the only problem?"
"That's it"
They both knew well this situation was embarrassing, Crowley knew close to little about this, and Aziraphale nothing apart from what he read on books.
And that kiss was not going to be easy.

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