Casual Mondays

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An average person can live up to 3910 mondays on their lifetime, but Aziraphale and Crowley had lived a lot more. Monday is also said to be the worst day of the week, but how can a monday be the best day on two inmortal beings life?
Easy, get them married.
Months had gone by since Crowley recovered his memory, each and every single day, he felt the need to tell the angel he loved him, something Aziraphale had liked that at first, but part of him began missing when they both had just a crush on each other, and neither of them said a thing, those days were fun, trying to secretly prove the love they had for each other wishing the other would notice, but doing it so subtle that they would actually ever really notice, just in case it wasn't right, or things changed so much they ended up disliking each other.
Even the Antichrist thing had been kind of fun, more for Aziraphale, who cursed for the first time, and less for Crowley who thought someone had killed his best friend. They often wondered when would the big war happen, Heaven against Hell, and humanity itself, or what had even happened to their sides, if they still were up to something, it was clear they were not being told, probably they wouldn't ever count on them again, or maybe they just proceeded to deny the fact that an angel and a demon had defied Heaven and Hell themselves, if they made a big deal of that, that would cause revolution on both sides, and that wouldn't be good for either.
"Come on angel, one day it's gotta happen, just say the words." Crowley told Aziraphale this on a Monday, when he was opening the bookshop.
"I know, but it can be later, can it?" Aziraphale didn't really mind doing it soon, but he still had his doubts, for over a year, Crowley hadn't been himself and when he came back, all feelings were accentuated, maybe when they were married, he'd get tired of him, and leave him, go back to Hell, or something like that, that was the reason why he was pushing it further in time. That, and because upsetting Crowley was in fact, fun.
"It can be, it's-"
"Yeah, that's not the point anyway, why is this sudden need to push it away for? Did I do something wrong I don't remember?"
"It's just" this again, here it comes "you go too fast for me Crowley." There it goes, I hope he understands.
"Sorry?" Crowley wasn't sure he heard right, those last words came out of the angel's mouth so soft, almost inaudible.
"You go too fast for me."
"We've been engaged for a almost two years, I think I'm trying to take this slow enough" Crowley deffinetly didn't understand, he couldn't get inside the angel's mind, if only he could...
"It's not time Crowley, it never was."
"What is it then angel?" Crowley wasn't upset at all, he just wanted to understand Aziraphale better, why was he always so fast for him?
"I think this is," he hesitated "not right, okay? Not you and me, that it's perfect, but timing," sometimes, it seemed the angel predicted the future months before things happened, but this story shall remain untold untill another Monday. "you came back with too many contained feelings, I want that to go by, wait for you to be sure what you are feeling it's what you really feel, my dear. I'm not saying that two years are not enough, all I'm saying is I want you to be sure this will continue, and you won't get tired of me, or something similar, I don't want to lose you just because we rushed things."
"I'm fine angel, I'm myself finally, and I might be a little too much excited about you, but this is me, I can do anything you want to prove it, and in fact, the only time I ever got tired of you in 6000 years was when all the holy water stuff and look how long it lasted, not a bit, and it wasn't because of you. I've taken 6000 years of you, angel, and I can take another 6000 for eternity." Mondays seemed to be Crowley's lucky days, because somehow, a month later, the angel was fully convinced of the wedding, arranged everything himself and set the date for a Monday.
They both agreed on nothing religious, not a big ceremony either, they didn't know who to invite to it anyway, and a wedding was no big deal for them, even if it looked like it for Aziraphale, it was just signing a few papers, and some human declaring them married. After all that time together, a wedding would make almost no difference but making things really official and more human. It was true, they actually didn't need to be married, they could just devote their whole life to each other and go on with it, married or not. But they had grown fond of humanity and all their fancy ways of proving love to a significant other, and if they were going to spend their lifes down on Earth, people would eventually ask questions, this made it easier to answer them, and it didn't involve Aziraphale lying, and it was fun, first angel and first demon to get married probably and deffinetly the first demon-angel husbands, someone might write about that one day, tell the tales of their story, become famous maybe, who ever knew?
Part of Crowley would have loved for it to be in a church and force Heaven to watch as he married Aziraphale, that would have been the ultimate petty move, but it was too extra, even for Crowley.
So again, on a Monday, they went and signed their papers, a human declared them husbands, and two others just stared at the ceremony. Not Aziraphale or Crowley knew any of them, everyone they knew were probably busy with their human things, and they wouldn't force Adam to watch, not Warlock either, although both of them agreed, that kid needed a great punishment like that sometimes.
The rest of the day went well, they needed no honeymoon either, they'd seen the whole world, there was nothing they could do different than outside London, so they just continued their ritual of dinner at the Ritz, ride home, sleep, wake up, and whoever woke up first, made breakfast for the other.
Married life for them would be no different, and they were glad it was going to be that way.

Although, happy endings don't exist in a world where you have two sides of supernatural entities willing to fight each other just for the sake of it, because there was really nothing to win from that, so, now, how can a Monday be the worst day for all humanity?
That's also easy, make their world come to an end.

A week after they married, Crowley had decided to start helping Aziraphale with whatever it was he did in the bookshop all day, because if he didn't sell books, what was he doing there all day? So he drove there. The radio of the Bentley was as usual, playing The Best Of Queen, and once again, Freddie Mercury started speaking to Crowley.

Little update on the general plot of the story and what's to come:
Up until here, I had everything almost planned, I had a few ideas of what should happen till they married, then I just proceeded to add events in between, but sadly my plot ends here.
I've been thinking for weeks that leaving this story, which is now one thing im kinda proud of, would be sad and I, in fact, don't want it to happen.
So I decided to play a little with some of my new ideas, and continue this on a different way.
The story will continue, but it will not just be a romantic fanfiction, from next chapter on, it will be a post-apocaliptic, yet somehow, romantic story.
I felt the need to say this here just in case anyone would like to stop reading, I don't wanna disappoint.
All this said, I hope you've enjoyed this so far, and I hope you enjoy what's to come.
I love you all for reading.

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