Guardian Angel

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Crowley called early in the morning, something Aziraphale wasn't expecting given the circumstances, he thought Crowley would run away like if he was an stalker or something similar, but that call was a perfect opportunity to start things again, making Crowley remember was number one priority on Aziraphale's list.
"Hey hmm, I know it's kinda weird for me to call you after I literally run away from you yesterday but, do you know how a microwave works?" It was actually nice for Aziraphale to hear a bit of shame on those words, even if he was all about forgiveness, it was quite a funny situation.
"Not really, you know, I miracle food hot, and I don't cook that often so I've never owned one" Yes, Aziraphale didn't know either how to use a microwave, although he was sure he had read a bit from an instructions book he found somewhere. "I think I've read you open the door and put food inside, then close and you set the time you want somewhere, but I don't really know."
Aziraphale heard as the microwave door opened and closed.
"Okay so food's inside, maybe this is for setting time..." Aziraphale heard a beep from the other side of the phone, Crowley was actually using a microwave, had he bought it? Because the old Crowley surely didn't have the need for a microwave.
"Oh" Crowley cheered "it works!" This Crowley was still a bit of a child in the inside, not like Crowley wasn't a little child at heart really, but this one showed it more. "Thank you" he was about to hung up but Aziraphale quickly answered.
"You're welcome, I was wondering, do you wanna have dinner tonight?, at the Ritz as we usually did"
"Sure, who would say no to free food?" Aziraphale didn't say he would pay but now he guessed he was meant to.
"Okay... We'll meet there at eight O'clock" Usually they walked together or Crowley drove them, but none of those options seemed available at that time.
Finally something Aziraphale could look forward to, after all, Crowley was still his fiancé, because he knew he wasn't totally lost, and in fact, they never talked about breaking up, so technically they were still together although one of them didn't exactly know that.
The process Aziraphale intended would take him months, or years, after all, you can't truly fall in love with someone on a single date, he'd need many days at The Ritz to make this work. But to start off, this one date would be perfect.
Something curious about Crowley's memory loss was not only the fact that he was rude to Aziraphale, but also that he had learnt how to properly taste food, and somehow he remembered his way to The Ritz. Crowley used to eat so fast that by the time Aziraphale was finishing the first dish, he was already having coffee, but now he took time to appreciate, taste and talk.
"I don't know how but I was such a good gardener, I had plants at my apartment, big plants, huge. They grow so beautiful I can't believe I did that." Crowley stopped for a bite "Although something strange happens whenever I walk into the room, they start shaking, but when I leave, they stand still"
Aziraphale had heard Crowley joke once or twice about shouting at his plants, and Aziraphale had seen for himself that Crowley's plants grew incredibly well, he didn't believe Crowley really shouted at them, but now, he guessed he wasn't joking after all, old Crowley projected his anger towards his plants, something he might fix whenever Crowley was back to being a demon.
"I didn't know plants could shake"
"Aparently mine do shake" Crowley said while taking one last sip of his coffee "Anyway, thanks for the food"
"I was thinking, you know, as aparently you are starting a new life and all, I could help you, given the fact that we used to have something, I don't want to throw all that away, even if you are not like that anymore, maybe at least become best friends again?"
"Well, time will tell that, but sure, I mean you are actually the only person, angel, whatever, I know that I can talk to, so yeah, a little help would be nice."
"You can phone me anytime you need to, you know, even if it's just to see how a microwave works, I'll help you, I'll even miracle you a stain away if you need to." Aziraphale could see this actually working out, the more this Crowley walked upon the Earth as human, the more kind he'd turn aparently.
"So you are suggesting to be my guardian angel" Crowley obviously said this sarcastically, but sarcasm isn't something the angel understood, which was kind of fun, given the fact that he would take this seriously.
"Quite literally, yes" Aziraphale let out a soft laugh, he liked the idea, babysitting his fiancé, which actually he wasn't his fiancé anymore and aparently now thought that he was human, with hopes of making him remember, quite better than he thought it would end up being.
Aziraphale was ready to show his more down to Earth angelic friendship to Crowley, he intended to make him fall in love with him all over again, and he'd use one of Crowley's old tricks to get it right, imagination.
As days went by, Aziraphale and Crowley started taking back their old habit of meeting at the park to talk, and sometimes have dinner at The Ritz, they were at least friends, and Aziraphale had made plans on the long term for them.
If there was anything he had learnt from Crowley, it was that imagination could fix almost anything, so he'd planned several trips to the most iconic places in the world for them, like if he could rewind on time and take this Crowley with him, show him the history of the place, tell him the real story, and make sure that at least he had a great time.
So one day, without further notice, Aziraphale dropped the bomb.
"I've got a little present for you" he said.
"Is it my birthday?"
"That's actually a good question since I don't know the answer, you never told me"
"Didn't I? Oh that's a shame, maybe I didn't like parties." He deep down knew that he didn't. "What if we actually shared birthday? That'd be cool."
"We probably do, but shut up, this isn't the time for that."
"Oh okay, continue."
"I bought you this" he took two airplane tickets out of his jacket.
"Wait what? You bought me tickets for a plane? Where are we going? Most important, where did you get the money?"
"The bookshop" he obviously lied, he wasn't keen on selling books, and after all, if he sold any against his will, that wouldn't have been enough money, so he just miracled himself the winner of the lottery, 'Imagination', demon Crowley would have been proud. "Anyway, we are going all around the world, I'm going to show you out of this place, no more Ritz for a while, I'll take you to places you've been before but don't remember, and we will have a great time."
"Can't you just miracle us on France or wherever we are going?" Crowley had learnt to understand the fact that Aziraphale was indeed an angel.
"I think I could, but we are going all human, tourists."
"And what makes you think I'll go with you then? You've given me both tickets"
"It'd be rude if you didn't, I am inviting you to come with me, and in fact, those are to my name so I don't think you'd get very far without me, also, I believe I am your only friend, so I'd just take the other one and follow you, and if you resist I can always bring some handcuffs into play" he was kidding, kinda, but he liked how the situation was going.
"So I am getting kidnapped, by an angel."
"Yes you are, now will you do me the favor of coming with me?"
"Of course dear angel, in the name of the Lady, I'll get kidnapped by you to the other side of the globe"
"Thank you that's really sweet of you" They both laughed.
"So when are we going?"
"Tomorrow morning, pack your bags my dear."

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