The Ritz

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"Just kiss me already angel" Crowley looked at his friend, he looked confused "Isn't that what you want?"
"I... I want it, yes, but I'm not that sure about this, about us, I don't know"
"Oh angel, I want it, you want it, what else do we need?"
"I don't know Crowley, I'm... I don't know"
"Perhaps I should take you to on a date first?" Crowley actually liked confused Aziraphale "I mean, I know how you feel, you know how I feel, what about this: Dinner at the Ritz, tonight, I'll pick you up, we don't need to hurry things if you don't want to you know? I've waited 6000 years for this, I can wait a few more days"
"Dinner it's okay, it's just, well, we'll talk about it some day"
"Perfect" said Crowley, almost running away, what had given him so much energy all of a sudden? "See ya later" he left.

Dinner at the Ritz it was. Crowley knew Aziraphale was soft, and he needed time, although he didn't, he understood and was willing to wait for his best friend to make up his mind, perhaps this dinner at their favorite place would help, even if it was awkward after all they said to each other that morning. Crowley had known, well not exactly known but suspected, for a few years now that Aziraphale felt something for him, but hearing it from his lips was just like finding the Bentley next morning after Armagedidn't, almost new, like it was before, it was a rush in his demonic veins, it was energy, it was hopes for the future, it was love.
Full of energy Crowley drove back home, he was happy, he hadn't been this happy for centuries, the almost impossible had happened, the angel loved him. Back at his apartment, he proceeded to water his plants, no screaming at them today he decided, he was happy and those poor plants may use a break from the demon's complaints. But all happiness aside, there was one little thought running around Crowley's mind: what if Aziraphale regretted all this later? The angel had always been so correct, so good to Heaven before humanity was threatened, what if he goes back to that state of mind again? What if 'their side' meant anything anymore?
"No, no, no, I'm happy let's enjoy it you sick brain" Crowley used to talk to himself at home.
Meanwhile Aziraphale had closed the bookshop for the day, he definitely needed time to think. Crowley said he loved him, he exactly said "YOU were the right angel Aziraphale", but what now? The demon liked him back, almost all had been said between them about their feelings, including historical flashbacks, and now suddenly he had a date, with Crowley, at the Ritz.
"Where do I go from here?" He was stuck inside his mind, he hadn't been with anyone, in this terms, never, this was fully new for Aziraphale, in fact it was new for them both, the difference was Crowley felt he could handle the situation and on the contrary, Aziraphale was panicking.
"Just dinner at the Ritz, like always, fully normal, everything is okay, all tickety-boo" as always, Aziraphale and his slang in strange moments.
He heard a knock on the door, it was Crowley, for sure, but the demon was never that kind to knock on the door, this was new.
"Oh Juliet, dear Juliet open the door" Crowley joked dramatically.
"Who's Juliet?" Said Aziraphale as he opened "Why would she open the door?" He definitely didn't get the joke.
"Nevermind, get in the car angel"
And Crowley drove like a maniac through London's streets, as always, while his favorite tape, 'The Best Of Queen' played. Aziraphale was glad that despite everything they've said to each other nothing had actually changed, and now he knew why he felt different vibes from Crowley than from the other demons, it was love, a different kind of love he may have just began to taste.
And as promised, they had dinner at their favorite restaurant, like usual, nothing different except the fact that it actually was a date, their first official date, even if they weren't a couple yet, that had to count right?
What wasn't that usual was what came after. Crowley had decided that their date didn't need to end there so he decided something special for the angel, something he hoped he liked and helped in making up his mind, something he wouldn't regret.

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