The Taking of the Neko

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Elias ran through the tall grass, his feet making a beeline for Danuva's home. A sudden snarl filled the air and the neko was thrown to the ground.

A wolf stalked toward him, a malicious gleam in his eyes. Elias scrambled backwards, trying to escape the wolf. His hand fell into a hole and he toppled back to the ground as the wolf leapt.

The neko's side exploded in pain as the wolf's teeth stabbed into him. As the wolf released him, licking its lips, Elias' vision darkened.

The beast lunged again, and a bright light exploded around the two. Dimly the neko saw a man walking toward him, skin the colour of burnished copper. Struggling to maintain conscious, Elias realized the man had triangular ears and a tail, the same colour as his skin- no, his fur.

The last thing he saw before he passed out was the man leaning over him.

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