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Elias walked through the flowers behind Reinard's house, happy to not be worrying for once. They were beautiful, though alien, purples mixed with oranges, a blue bulb appearing here and there.

The air on the planet was cool, and Artemis had bought him a light coat from the port. He wore it now, trying to find a patch of sunlight to relax in. Not an easy task with the clouds that constantly passed over the sun.

It had taken the neko a few days to get comfortable around the house. The building was huge, and he still got lost trying to find his way around. Reinard had shown him the gardens on the second day and they had quickly become the neko's favourite spot.

He walked past the black Faro; Eigel, Reinard called him.

"Good morning," the Faro said, smiling at the neko as he pulled a plant out of the ground.

Elias didn't know why he was removing the plant. It looked good to him. But maybe it was bad somehow. Or maybe the Faro was going to make a potion of some sort with it.

He nodded to the Faro in greeting, continuing his walk. A tree stood beyond the flowers, tall and sprawling. A bench hung from a sturdy branch, chains creaking softly as it swung. It overlooked a drop in the land, a valley spread wide below the hill the house stood on.

As Elias approached the bench, his gaze sweeping across the valley, he noticed Neistar huddled on the bench, swaying slowly. The neko paused, staring at the back of the Faro's head. He could walk away. He didn't have to talk to the fox.

"Oh! Hi Elias, how long have you been there?"

Too late...

The neko sighed silently, sticking his chip into his bracelet. He shrugged, hoping Neistar would let him leave.

The Faro moved over on the bench, swinging with his motion.

"Do you want to sit?"

Elias sat, his feet pushing gently against the ground.

"You're very quiet," Neistar said.

Elias shrugged. What was he supposed to say to that?

Neistar uncurled his legs, sitting straight on the bench. There wasn't much space between the two and it seemed to be shrinking.

"Are you just shy? What would it take to draw you out of your shell?"

Elias really had no idea how to answer these questions. He saw Neistar's tail wagging suggestively behind the Faro.

Standing, Elias backed away from the Faro. He liked the way he looked, but he wasn't trying to have sex with Reinard's ardai.

"Are you okay?" Neistar frowned.

Elias shook his head.

"Sorry," he muttered, before hurrying back to the house.

"It has been two months since the Dalmar have received water. We are sending it, but it has not been arriving, and there are no signs along the path to their planet to make us think the tankers are being attacked..."

Ceirel and Reinard jumped as Elias hurried through the front door. The neko walked toward his and Artemis' room, not meeting their gazes. His tail was wrapped around his leg and Reinard frowned.

"Did something happen?" he asked as Elias vanished up the stairs.

"I'm not sure," Ceirel replied, turning back to the viewing screen.

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)Where stories live. Discover now