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“Excuse me,” Geiro said sharply as they entered the shuttle.

Artemis turned his head toward the Faro.

“What do you think you are doing?”


They were safe here. Probably the safest they would be for the next week. The tiger didn’t see what Geiro was upset about.

“You just kissed a Faro’s Bonded! Right in front of him!”

“Oh that. Reinard’s okay with that,” Artemis said.

“Tcha! Do you know anything about our customs, our way of life?!”

“I know something of them, yes. Do you understand Egaro customs, or their physiology?”

“I understand your people are slatterns, content to sleep with anyone who comes their way!” Geiro snarled.

Artemis growled at the Faro. He was not about to let his entire species be insulted by this speck of a creature.

“That is enough you two!” Atharo snapped. “I do not know what has gotten into you two, and I do not care to know. Captain Geiro, you have no cause to use that language when speaking about anyone. Captain Artemis, from now on I will thank you to keep your private matters private.”

Artemis frowned.

“With respect Colonel, I hardly think an innocent kiss is something that needs to be hidden.”

“Humour me, Captain.”

The trio sat in the shuttle cockpit, Artemis sighing quietly. He sorely missed the days of exploration, of spending hours staring at new worlds and mapping them. All this drama he was wrapped up in led to way too much stress. Honestly, Reinard was the best thing to come of Oyhaf. Artemis hoped the Faro would be safe.


Elias startled as Reinard let out a cheer. The viewing screen on the wall turned on suddenly, moving pictures filling the screen.

“You have to pay first,” Reinard grinned, satisfied. “But hey, five credits a movie, totally worth it. They should be downloading now, a little slow, but as we get closer to home, it should speed up.”

He looked at Elias, sitting at the table.

“Do you want to watch this with me?”

Elias nodded.

“I would like that,” he said quietly.

They sat side by side on the couch, Reinard placing an arm around the neko.

“This is an older movie from the Dalmar war about a Faro pilot. I remember watching it with my segal before… well…”

Elias hugged the Faro, trying to take Reinard’s thoughts off his dead parent. He didn’t know if it worked, but Reinard did scratch the neko’s head.

“I love you, Elias,” Reinard said.

The cat purred quietly, watching the moving pictures. Reinard’s legs curled up on the couch and he leaned against Elias, both of them enjoying the closeness of the moment.

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora