Tears of the Neko

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The rain let up when they stepped outside. Elias glanced up at the sky, his hood falling back as he took in the clouds covering the sky. A loud yell startled the neko and his head twisted, trying to locate the sound.

“Oh look, the pankratiasts are practising,” Artemis said, directing Elias’ gaze to the left.

A group of Egaro were engaged in a fight, each paired off. Elias watched in alarm as blows were thrown and feet dodged.

“Don’t worry, they won’t hurt each other,” Artemis reassured him.

As they watched, an orange Egaro was slammed against the ground, his opponent straddling him. He held up his arms in defeat, and his opponent stood up again, helping him to his feet. Both were panting, covered in mud, but they started fighting again.

Another pair twisted fluidly, each trying to gain a better hold in their grapple. Their bodies were on display, a simple loincloth all that protected their modesty. Dirt was kicked up by their bare feet, mud splattering across their bodies.

Elias stood and watched the cats wrestling, unsure of what to make of the display. Artemis stood beside him, enjoying the amazement on Elias’ face.

“It’s an ancient fighting style,” he explained. “Now it’s just used for show, but millennia ago we used it to defend ourselves.”

They watched for another minute.

“Are you ready to go?” Artemis asked finally.

Elias nodded slowly, not taking his eyes off the duelling cats. Artemis took his hand, gently pulling him as he walked away.

The neko turned, walking next to the tiger. Artemis showed Elias landmarks now that they could take their time walking.

“That’s the recreational fishing spot,” he said, pointing to a dip near the edge of the island. “Catch and release only.”

Crossing a bridge, he motioned toward a tall building.

“That’s the school for this area. All the kits go there, from age three to age thirteen.”

He sighed fondly.

“I remember my school days. I always knew I wanted to be a pilot. Everyone kept pushing me to take art classes but I was insistent. Flying was the way to go for me.”

Elias frowned. He stared at the building as they passed, wondering if Artemis would make him go there too. A bell rang and suddenly they were swarmed by young Egaro, all screaming and laughing.

One pointed at Elias and the young tigers surrounded him and Artemis, staring with wide eyes.

“What happened to your fur?” a girl demanded.

Artemis put an arm around Elias, trying to shield the neko from arms that reached out to touch his skin. He pushed through the crowd of kits, watching Elias closely.

“You’re okay kitten,” he whispered.


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