The Colonel

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The room on the other side of the door was a display of organised chaos. Xanar hurried back and forth through the open space, clustering in groups, sitting against the walls.

Elias walked through it all, shoulders hunched between Reinard and Artemis. He hated everything about this room, the noise, the commotion, the people in it. It was only Artemis’ firm hand on his shoulder that kept the neko from running.

“Don’t worry kitten. You are safe with us,” Artemis said quietly.

They approached a Xanar seated behind a desk, a harried look on his face.

“Excuse me, we need to see Fleet command,” Artemis said.

“You and everyone else in the room,” the Xanar muttered.

“It is a matter of utmost importance-”

“And the fate of the Alliance hinges on your ability to see the General right away. Look, just take a number and we’ll be with you as soon as we can.”

The tiger took the paper he was handed, muttering under his breath in Egaro. Elias couldn’t understand most of the words, but he was sure at least one of them was a curse.

“223? Fuck, we might as well come back tomorrow,” Artemis snapped.

They sat against a wall, the tiger grumbling.

“You’d think for an advanced species they would have a better system,” Reinard said.

“I guess some things just never change…”

Elias closed his eyes, listening to the tiger and the fox talk. He tuned them out, head tilting onto Artemis’ shoulder.


Artemis smiled as the neko’s head rested against him.

“He’s so cute when he’s sleeping,” he sighed.

The neko grumbled tiredly.

“Sorry, when he’s resting,” the tiger amended.

“You say that like he isn’t cute all the time,” Reinard chuckled.

Elias drew into himself at Reinard’s words, and the Faro frowned.

“Elias, if you’re upset about earlier, don’t be. That was all my fault.”

A speaker spared the neko from answering.


Sighing with relief, the three stood, Artemis leading them to the General’s door.

“Enter!” a gruff voice called, and Reinard opened the door, letting the cats pass through before him.

He and Artemis saluted the Xanar seated on the other side of the desk, Elias copying them a moment later.

“A Faro? And forgive me, but I am not familiar with your species…”

“I’m an Egaro General. And Elias here is a neko from an unknown world,” Artemis explained.

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