A Sick Faro

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Artemis purred as he nestled into the crook of Iason’s arm.

“That was amazing,” he murmured, looking up at the white tiger.

“Mmm, I’ve missed this,” Iason agreed. “I’m guessing your companions have not been sating your urges.”

His fingers trailed under Artemis’ tail, and the smaller tiger squirmed away.

“Elias tried once, but I think I scared him away. And Reinard… Well, I assume you know about Faro.”

“What you need is a good strong tigress to see to your needs,” Iason smirked.

“No thanks. She would leave me wanting in more ways than one.”

Artemis sat up, checking the time on his bracelet.

“Shouldn’t they be back by now?” he questioned.

“Probably. But let’s take advantage of their absence a little longer. We both know we have a week of this tops before we have to return to our hands.”

Artemis pushed the white tiger’s hands away, standing.

“No, they should be back,” he frowned, dressing quickly.

An alarm blared through the ship as he opened the door and Artemis flinched.

“Relax. That’s just the portal alert. We should be on our way to Oyhaf soon,” Iason said as the alarm died away.

The neighbouring door opened, Elias’ head poking through warily, and Artemis beamed.

“There you are,” he said, turning toward the neko.

Elias frowned, staring at the Egaro.

“Are you okay kitten? Why didn’t you come back to the room?”

“You were busy…”

“Oh. Wait… you saw? I’m sorry about that Elias. I thought you realised I…”

Artemis stopped, seeing the look in the neko’s eyes. It wasn’t one of anger, more of quiet wonder.

“Look, you need to get back in the cabin,” Geiro said, grabbing Elias’ arm as he stepped out of the cabin.

The neko wrenched his arm away from the Faro, scowling as he returned to the other cabin.

“Ah, Captain Artemis. I take it the heat has passed for now?”

“What heat? I’m still cooling off from my last one,” the tiger said.

Iason wrapped his arms around Artemis from behind.

“Aw, you mean that was all me?” the white Egaro grinned.

“Lieutenant Iason, we will be discussing your actions once this is all over. Your job was to protect Artemis, not sleep with him.”

“I kept him safe in my arms…” Iason grumbled.

Artemis pulled away.

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