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Elias stood in Artemis’ arms, watching the white Egaro fix a chip into Reinard’s necklace. Reinard was unhappy with the situation; he should be the one holding Elias, keeping him safe. But Artemis was good enough, he supposed.

At a certain level, the Faro knew this was all his hormones urging him to protect what was his. But Elias wasn’t his. Elias belonged to Elias, and while Reinard wanted to protect the neko, he couldn’t take away Elias’ freedom in doing so.

“When we are planet-side, you need to keep these on you. Elias, you don’t speak much, so you shouldn’t need your translator. Just stay near me. I know a little Dalmar and I can translate,” Iason said. “These communicators will work up to a thousand kilometres. Merely touch the chip and say the name of myself or Captain Geiro and we will hear you.”

Reinard crossed the room, reaching to cup Elias’ face.

“Are you okay?” he asked, his necklace dangling freely.

Captain Geiro sighed.

“I guess we are done here. Let’s return to the cabin.”

They left the room, Reinard and Artemis each taking one of Elias’ hands.

“We should be heading through the portal again in around two hours,” Geiro added as they walked. “We will stay in the cabin until Colonel Atharo comes to get us. And there will be no sex.”

He glared at Iason, the Egaro having the sense to look contrite.

“Captain, it is not something we can control,” Artemis spoke up. “Not without a great deal of trouble for ourselves at least. I helped one of my people in their time of need, and that is all that should need to be said about it.”

“Good. Then I won’t hear any more about it,” Geiro said.

Reinard frowned at the other Faro as they approached the cabin. Passing through the door, he went and laid back on the bed, Elias joining him. The neko placed his head in Reinard’s lap, a strange move for the cat. Reinard reached down, running his hands carefully through Elias’ hair.

The neko purred, the vibrations running through Reinard’s lap. The Faro knew Elias could feel his reaction, but he didn’t seem to mind.

Elias rest a hand on Reinard’s stomach tenderly, rubbing it slowly. The Faro loved seeing the look of gentle wonder in Elias’ eyes, the way he carefully touched Reinard as if he was afraid he was going to break the Faro.

“You’re going to be a great segal,” Reinard smiled.


The door to the cabin opened, Colonel Atharo standing outside the room.

“We’re in orbit around Oyhaf B2. Captain Artemis, we should use your ship to land. It will be more obvious than using one of my shuttles. I will be joining you on the ground. I have business with General Aro.”

Artemis held back a sigh, standing up. They would be fine. Just a quick landing, say hello, and leave.

He grabbed his tablet, motioning to Elias and Reinard. The group left the cabin behind them, the colonel leading them to the docking bay.

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)Where stories live. Discover now