Chapter 31 - The Royal Baby

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Marcus's POV

I was looking at my son, smiling ear-to-ear. He was so little and cute. I was scared to death that something would happen to Alissa and him, but fortunately, they were sound and safe and beside me.

"Hey, Hugo." I cooed him and placed a soft kiss on his chubby hand.

"We should take him to check up, Your Highness. Then we will bring him to Princess Alissa that she breastfed the Prince." The nurse stated, giving me a polite smile.

I nodded and pulled back from the crib, letting her take my son. Then I went to the hospital room. Probably, Alissa was awake now.

When I opened the door, she was awake, looking at me with her beautiful eyes.

Oh my goodness, how much I missed her.

I gave her a radiant smile and rushed towards her. I hugged her tightly, placing several kisses on her lips, cheeks, hair, breathing in her scent. She hugged me tightly and buried her head into the hollow of my neck as she started crying.

"I was so scared." She mumbled, sobbing. I pursed my lips together, trying to hold my tears back.

"I am sorry. It is my fault. I couldn't protect you." I stated as I cupped her cheeks and wiped her tears off her cheeks with my thumbs.

"No, it isn't your fault. She is just....crazy." She mumbled. I forced a lazy smile.

"I was scared to death. When I saw you in blood...I thought I lost both of you." I admitted as my eyes welled up.

"She...She threatened me that she would take my son when he was born. I was so afraid of not seeing him. I...." She burst out crying without managing to finish her sentence and covered her face with her hands.

"Shh. Don't cry." I said and pulled her into my chest. I stroked her hair softly and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. "Don't worry. Everything has passed. I will not let you leave my sight for a second anymore. I will not let anything happen to you nor our son." I assured her while hugging her tightly.

"I love you, Marcus. I knew that you would find us." She commented and stroked my cheek, looking into my eyes, full of love in her eyes.

I gave her a bright smile and placed a soft kiss on her palm.

"I love you so much, bambi." I confessed and kissed her lips.

"Did you see Hugo? How is he?" She asked, smiling happily and wiped her tears off her cheeks.

I grinned and replied. "Yes. Our little boy is so cute and healthy."

"Who does he look like?" She asked, smiling.

"His devilishly handsome father." I replied arrogantly and winked at her, amused.

"Marcus!" She shook her head, grinning.

"I want to see him." She admitted, excited. "And then I will see if he looks like his devilishly handsome father or not." She added with a cocky look and sighed playfully.

I chuckled and placed a passionate kiss on her lips.

"I missed you so much, bambi." I admitted, stroking her cheek.

"I missed you too, my love." She confessed, giving me a radiant smile.

I was sitting beside Alissa on the bed, my arm wrapped around her shoulder while she was holding our son in her arms. We couldn't take our eyes off our little boy.

I watched TV as I heard the news about our boy.

Her Royal Highness Princess Alissa was safely delivered of a son this evening. The baby weighs 8lbs 4oz. Her Royal Highness and her child are both doing well. Prince Marcus and Princess Alissa have named their first child Hugo Henrik.

The palace informed that the baby would be known as His Royal Highness Prince Hugo Henrik of Sweden.

The newborn prince is second in line to the throne.

"Look, my boy. They are talking about you." I cooed Hugo, stroking his head gently and placed a soft kiss on Alissa's temple. She smiled at me and rested her head on my shoulder while stroking Hugo's chubby cheek.


As the Royal Guard informed me that they found where Stella was, Chad and I left the palace.

The guard told us to stay in the car when we arrived at the destination, but I ignored him and went to the house.

I was searching for Stella, shouting her name in the house. The guards and Chad were searching for her as well.

Suddenly, I noticed a door faraway from the kitchen. I went towards the door.

Suddenly, someone wrapped an arm around my neck. I instantly grabbed his arm and turned around. I punched his face.

As the guards heard us, they rushed towards us. I was still punching and hitting the man non-stop.

When the guards wanted to separate us, Chad demanded. "Don't!" He placed his hand into his pocket as he watched us. "Let him take it out on him." He added coldly.

I pulled back, panting and looked at the man who was laying on the floor in blood, unconscious.

Chad approached me and tapped my shoulder.

"Good job! You are not Mama's boy as I thought. Huh?" He teased, but I saw proudness and trust in his eyes. I rolled my eyes, smirking.

Suddenly, I noticed Stella running away in the garden.

"She is running." I shouted and rushed outside.

I caught her by her arm and stopped her. The guards approached us and held her arms tightly.

"Let go of me!" She shouted, trying to get rid of their grips, but the guards didn't let her.

I gritted my teeth and took a step towards her, looking into eyes, full of frustration and anger in my eyes.

"How you dare to kidnap my wife and try to harm them!" I snarled, cupping her chin tightly.

"Let go of me!" She shouted, trying to pull her face away, but I tightened my grip.

"I will make you pay. I will not let anyone hurt my loved ones." I declared firmly. "You didn't just try to hurt my wife and son as well as the future Queen of Sweden and the heir to the Swedish throne." I added between gritted teeth.

"He is not the heir. He is just a bastard. And how do you even know he is yours?" She said mockingly. "Your slut wife spreads her legs to everyone. And after she has found out that you are a prince, she got her claws into you and lied to you telling that her bastard is yours." She added, giving me a sarcastic smirk.

I gritted my teeth and slapped her.

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