Peter sick in Avengers tower part 3

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"We've got to restrain him." Strange said as Peter's body collapsed into his arms. "If he wakes up and lashes out again, it could hurt someone else." Strange laid Peter back on the bed and stuck his hand out to pull Bruce up. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm more worried about the kid. I thought we had him calmed down, but I walked over to him and he freaked out. I was about to take his arm so I could inject the contrast material and the sedative for the CT scan."

"Needle phobia?"

"Most likely. It's the only thing that explains his sudden panic. I should of thought about that before approaching him. He was already pretty unstable." Bruce ran a hand through his hair, a worried expression on his face.

"You couldn't have known, but from the looks of it, it's a good thing I got here when I did." They both looked at the tiny kid in the bed. Who knew someone so little could be so strong?

"I'm glad you did. Let's go get that scan. The sooner we get this over with, the better for everyone." Strange rummaged in a drawer and pulled out the metal straps. Tony protested when they walked toward the bed.

"You can't strap him down, he's just a kid!" Tony moved slightly in front of Peter.

"He's a kid with super strength and an extreme needle phobia. Unless you want to get rag doll tossed into a wall again, I would suggest you let us tie him down. He needs the scan and the surgery, and I'm not sure how long the sedative will keep him asleep thanks to his powers." Strange used his no-nonsense doctor tone, and reluctantly, Tony stepped aside. He couldn't bear to see the kid tied down like an animal and strapped to machines, so he left the lab, leaving Bruce and Strange to talk about all the medical stuff.

Tony didn't get very far before Steve, Nat, and Bucky met him. "How's the kid?" Bucky asked.

"He has appendicitis. Bruce called Stephen in and they're gonna scan him and then rush him into emergency surgery." Even as he said the words, Tony felt their weight press down on him. It had snuck up on him, just how much he cared for the kid. He hated seeing the teenager, who was normally a ball of sunshine and rainbows, so scared and feeble. He couldn't bear it if anything happened to him. Peter was the best of them all.

And if anything happened to him on his watch, well, May would kill him. Tony knew he needed to call her, but he couldn't bring himself to make the call. He had no idea if she knew he was actually Spider-Man or not, so that was one thing Tony had to be grateful for, he didn't have to try explain an injury from patrol. But still, that didn't make it any easier to tell her her child was possibly dying. He took his phone out and put it back away, promising himself he would call her as soon as Peter was out of surgery. She wouldn't even be starting to worry until then, if he was lucky.

Until then, there was nothing to do but pace.

~Bruce's POV~

They got the kid through the scan successfully, confirming what he had already known. Poor Peter's appendix was inflamed badly, and it was likely a matter of minutes before it burst. With all the crazy events of the day, Bruce was shocked it hadn't already. Guess that's what happens when they have speed healing, he thought.

Immediately, the two leapt into action. They wheeled him into the operating theater and washed up quickly. They changed into fresh scrubs and pulled masks on. Bruce let Strange take lead, as he hadn't been doing too many surgeries when he practiced in Kolkata.

They worked quickly, stabilizing Peter. They started the operation, and they had just removed his appendix and were beginning to stitch him back up when they heard a moan. Bruce looked up at the kid's face, and was shocked when he saw brown eyes staring back. "Strange," Bruce whispered. "He's awake."

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