The Sister Sickness Spreads

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"So what are your symptoms?" Bruce asked. They had gone back to a small apartment in downtown New York.

"Well, I get dizzy a lot, and my eyesight has gotten bad, but all my other senses have gotten way worse. I feel nauseous sometimes too, and like I'll get these random burning sensations."

Bruce thought. He had never really heard of anything like this, unless it was some sort of toxin. "Can I take a blood test?"

Peter's head shot up. "No! You can't run anything through FRIDAY! Mr. Stark will know then!"

"Why is it so imperative that Tony doesn't know? Clearly your uncle knows about you." Bruce gestured to several pictures around the room where Peter and Payton had their arms around each other and were grinning their identical smiles at the camera. There was a selfie on top of the Empire State Building (like literally on top on top, being Spider-Man had its advantages) and several pictures taken of them in Times Square and at several Broadway shows. (Peter would never tell anyone at the tower because they would make fun of him, but he absolutely adored Hamilton and Dear Evan Hansen. He knew every word to the Spongebob musical and had gotten front-row tickets when Hadestown came out. And of course he had made a special guest appearance at Spiderman Turn Off the Dark. Payton had totally gotten him hooked on Broadway musicals ever since that first performance of Little Shop of Horrors she had dragged him too.)

Peter gestured wildly. "He's a civilian. It doesn't matter if he knows of my existence, he doesn't know I'm Spider-Man. But you guys, you're superheroes! Our life is dangerous! And I don't want her dragged into that. She has never been classified as a mutant, and she won't ever be as long as I'm here. She deserves a better life." Peter said this so emphatically that Bruce was taken aback.

"I won't run it through FRIDAY, I promise. But it'll take longer to get the results that way."

"That's ok," Peter said. Suddenly he felt a pushing in his mind and looked at his sister.

Don't I get a say in this? She asked. It's my life. What are you going to do if the results come back that I am dying? What are you going to do then? He's not even a true medical doctor, he's not fully equipped to deal with what it could mean if what I think is happening really is happening. But it sounds like Tony, and this Strange guy, and Shield, might actually be able to find a cure. And how are you going to explain to them that it's affecting you as well? How have you managed to hide that from them? You might not be progressing as fast as I am, but I know you feel the pain too, and that your immune system is basically breaking down. Sooner or later they're gonna figure it all out, and then what? By then, it might be too late. Pete, you don't believe me, but people need you. The world needs Spider-Man, and May and Me and Tony and Bruce and Ned and MJ need Peter Parker. So if you don't tell Bruce, I will. You'll always look out for other people, but you need to have someone looking out for you. That's where I come in. I'm going to get you help, and if it means I get exposed as a mutant, so be it. I wanted a normal life, but this is more important. I know you need me, and I need you, and that's why I'm going to do this. You'll forgive me when we're both alive. Sorry Pete.

Peter heard the words, but his brain grew foggy. Why would I need to forgive you? He thought, but then he thought no more. Darkness began to close in, and the last thing he saw was the wood floor slowly coming toward his face.

I need to take them both to Avengers tower. Bruce thought. But that was weird, hadn't he been supposed to not do that... but it didn't matter. He had to do this. Both teens had just slumped over in a dead faint, he had to get them help. This become his one all-consuming thought as he texted Tony to send three suits. Tony texted him back almost instantly, asking why three!?

But Bruce didn't reply. Tony would find out soon enough, and when he found out his Spider-baby was sick, there'd be hell to pay. And as for the girl, she was important. He couldn't remember exactly why, but it didn't matter.

Bruce checked their pulses and waited for the suits. He was only concerned about getting them back safely. He didn't even notice that the thoughts in his head weren't his.

<So sorry for not posting for a little while, I was not motivated at all, but inspiration finally struck. This one was really fun to write! I love suspenseful interactions, and obviously I'm a huge broadway fan. (Like seriously I'm kinda obsessed lol. Tell me your favorite musicals and I'll try to work in some references later on.) Let me know if you like it, I'll try to finish the story soon, but school starts next week and since it's senior year and I'm in a lot of hard AP classes and have way too many extracurriculars, I might not have as much time to write. But I'll still try to whenever I can because this is one of my favorite creative outlets and pastimes. Thanks so much to everyone who's read and especially thanks to anyone who's given me feedback and told me they liked it. Please keep doing asks! I love writing stories for people! Love you all and I hope you enjoy!>

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