Dancing Through Life (and failing)

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<Sorry I have been so inactive life has been absolutely insane, but now school has been suspended temporarily/moved to online classes thanks to the Coronavirus so now life is crazy for other reasons. At least I have time to do stuff I enjoy now, so I'll try to post a few fics during this break. This ones inspired by the tumblr account sickficideas prompt #44 and also by stuff that's actually happened in my musical cast when one of the leads, who never shows any emotion to anyone, came to me freaking out about musical. He also came to musical sick on several occasions so this is partially based on him being an idiot. 😂. Btw, this is divergent from my normal pattern of staying as close to canon as possible, I really wanted to write an Ironstrange fic, plus I had an OC idea, so we're just gonna pretend Pepper, Morgan, MJ, and Aunt May don't exist for this one (even tho I also love all of them). As usual, love you all, thanks for the reads and the support, and everyone stay safe during this time of crazy uncertainty.❤️❤️>

After everything that had happened on Titan, all Peter wanted was to live a normal life. He had worked with Sam Wilson a lot to try to help the PTSD and anxiety that had resulted from that adventure into space. He had cut down his patrolling some, preferring to focus more on his senior year of high school. A lot had changed, but at least some of it had been good. For example, Tony had finally admitted his feelings for Stephen, and now Peter had two dads, who admittedly were way to overprotective but still it was nice.And he had decided to join the school musical, because why not? It sounded like fun.


Peter rolled his neck in a slow circle as the director called out stretches to the cast. Something felt off today. His brain was all foggy, and he was congested, but oh well. If Alan Swann could do movies while hungover, he could sing a few songs with a little cold. As long as it cleared up by the end of next week, he'd be fine. He had decided to try out for his school's spring musical, and he was really excited to be playing a Sailor in Anything Goes.

"Everybody set up for the final number of Act 1!" Their director called out. Barely even thinking, Peter moved to his place for "Anything Goes," the show-stopping title number of the show. As a sailor, he was also required to be a featured dancer, but that was fine. Dance had always come very naturally to him, and he had had plenty of training. He would normally be fine, but his head hurt so bad today, and he knew there was one part of the dance he always messed up, and of course it happened to be the one moment when he and his dance partner danced alone.

The choreographer started going over some of the tap dance steps with the ensemble. His dance partner, Sierra walked over to him. Sierra was small and blonde, and she always seemed to notice things about people that no one else did. She looked at him. "Pete, are you okay?" She reached a hand out to him like she might feel his forehead, but he moved away.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I think I might be getting a cold or something."

She looked at him. "Pete, you're not okay. And I don't mean just the fact that you look like crap, what else is going on?"

"I can't do this." The words were out before he even realized he had said them. "Everyone's watching me, and there's so much pressure and it feels like no one cares or understands."

"I care. I might not understand completely, but I'm always here for you. I believe in you even if no one else does. You can tell me all the stuff that's going on if you want, but even if you don't I'm here."

He was quiet for a second. He hadn't realized how much he needed those words, how much he was keeping inside, what with school and patrol and avengers stuff and all the other crazy crap that made up his life. "Thanks, Sierra."

"Anytime." She hugged him, and even though she was so small that her head was laying on his chest, it felt like he was the one being held. "Also, you're definitely sick, you probably shouldn't be here getting the rest of us sick." She punched him playfully.

Peter Parker Gets Sick Way Too Much For His Own GoodDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora