The Code and the Crazy (Poisoned part 3)

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Peter woke up. Well, 'woke up' was an understatement. It would be far more accurate to say that he was dragged from sleep by brute force. He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to face the horror of the world of the living, but a sharp slap across his face had him opening his eyes and sitting up. He immediately slumped back, still far too weak to do anything. But a hand pushed him back up. "How does it feel to be at my mercy, Peter Parker?"

"Who are you? Why are you doing this? Please don't hurt me!"

In response, the masked man held up a small vial. "Do you know what this is? I'll give you a hint. It's the antidote to the poison that is currently running through your body unchecked. Without it, you will die."

"Please, give it to me. I don't want to die." Peter was crying now, begging.

The man held it closer, right out of reach of Peter's weak fingers. "I will give it to you, on one condition."

"Anything," Peter sobbed out.

"I need a single access code."

"Why would I know it?"

"Because you're basically Stark's kid. He'll tell you anything you want to know."

"You're not going to hurt him, are you?"

"No, I won't. We just worked on the project together and he won't give me the credit I deserve. But you believe in fairness, don't you?"

Peter's head was blurry. Something pricked in the back of his mind, saying that this couldn't be right, but the man was so convincing. It was just one code, right? No one would get hurt. He nodded. "What code do you want?" He found himself saying.

"I need the codes for something called BARF. Why he named it that I have no idea, but I need  it."

"Okay," Peter mumbled. His head was getting heavier and heavier and it was getting harder to focus. "I just want to sleep."

"Just tell me the code, and I'll let you sleep."

"I think it's A93D00I64." Peter said, trying to force his foggy mind to sort through the codes he knew.

"Good boy." The man patted his head, and then inserted a tip into the vial. "I'll give you the first round of antidote now, and I'll let you double check on the code and get it to me later. I want to make sure you're not faking with me." His voice suddenly turned sinister.

"I would never, mister mysterious poison guy who knows Mr. Stark," Peter blathered as the fog spread even more.

"Good. Now Peter, we'll meet again. Good bye for now." Peter felt a prick in his leg, and the man suddenly disappeared. Peter thought for a second he saw the weird misshapen mask replaced with a shiny silver ball, but that couldn't be right... he didn't consider it anymore, because darkness overtook him.

Peter was woken by a loud beeping and a crash. Opening his eyes slightly, he saw three men rushing toward him. "Hey Pete, are you okay? The lab locked us out for a few minutes for some reason, I'm gonna run diagnostics on FRIDAY because that was weird."

"Hey Mr. Stark."

Another voice spoke up. "Did anything happen when the lab was shut? The cameras showed nothing was wrong, and none of your vitals spiked, but still that's unusual."

Peter thought hard. It seemed like he was forgetting something important, but he didn't know what. The only thing he could think of was that he needed the codes for BARF. "No I don't think anything happened. I didn't have this weird dream though, where I needed the codes for BARF to escape from this maze thing."

"Well, kid, I guess it's good I gave you access to that one then, isn't it?" Tony chuckled.

"Yeah." Peter agreed. "Can I go back to my room now? I don't like being down here. I feel a lot better."

"Well, I'm glad you feel better, but we want to keep you here overnight to make sure there's no more complications, and we need to check to see if the poison has worked its way out of your system yet." Peter squirmed, but didn't argue. He tried to sit still while Dr. Strange ran more tests, but it was hard. His head pounded with one thought, and as soon as Strange left the room to run the tests, Peter grabbed a small piece of paper and scribbled down the code for BARF. He put it on the bedside table under a glass of water.

The next time he looked over, it was gone.

A few minutes later, Strange came in with an eerily familiar vial. "Looks like FRIDAY figured out the antidote and had it shipped. Now, you'll have no more symptoms, and we've also upgraded her so she doesn't glitch again. Additionally, she has been instructed to scan for any poisons that are present in even trace amounts in this building. The bad news is that somehow FRIDAY's cameras didn't catch who did this, which makes me think it was by someone who knows what he's doing. But Peter," Strange placed a hand on Peter's arm. "Thank you for coming to me. Can you imagine how much worse it would have been if we hadn't have caught it early?"

Peter shuddered. Strange went on, "We're going to do our best to make sure this never happens again."

Peter nodded his thanks, but he still felt a chill. All he could hear was a whispering voice saying "We will meet again."

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