Pulmonary Problems and Pressing Phobias

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<Guys I think this is one of my personal favorites that I've written so far, it's in a bit of a different style, but I hope you like it! Thanks so much to @fandomxlol for the ask! Also, I know there's a lot of Pepper and Peter interactions, but I feel like that's not represented enough. I do love me some Irondad though, so I'll try to work that in more into the next one. Enjoy! 😘>

Peter did a backflip off the building as his Spidersenses went haywire. He landed gracefully and immediately shot two webs in opposite directions, catching the two muggers by surprise! "Suck on that, losers!" He yelled.

The one mugger just smirked. "You think you're so cool, Spider-Man, with your fancy Stark gizmos and your stupid spandex suit. But you're no match for any kind of real villain."

"That's what you thi—" suddenly his sense went off again. He spun rapidly, and then he felt something sticky oozing out of his chest. In shock, he looked down. A knife handle was sticking out of his chest. There was no one holding it, and when he turned around, the two muggers had disappeared too. What the hell?" He thought. But his mind was so foggy and he felt so tired. He made it to the front step of Avengers tower before darkness overtook him.

He woke up in his comfy bed in the tower. Groggily, he opened his eyes and took a deep breath. Shit, that hurt! Why did it hurt so much? He opened his eyes all the way. Oh. That was why. He looked down at the gauze covering a large patch of his bare chest. He racked his brain. What had happened? Then he remembered. He fumbled for his phone, then did a double take. It was Saturday, September 28. He wasn't sure in his still disoriented state, but he was pretty sure it had been Wednesday when he had passed out. Had he really been out for four days? He needed some answers. He started to pick up his phone and text Mr. Stark to tell him what in the everloving heck was going on, but right at that moment Pepper waltzed into his room with her calming parental presence, with Bruce right on her heels.

"Hey, Pete. How are you feeling now?" She asked him, sitting beside him on the bed and stroking her fingers through her hair in a way that he couldn't help but relax.


"You got stabbed. You passed out as soon as you got here and you were rushed into emergency surgery and you've been recovering for the past few days. You should be out of danger now though, Bruce has been keeping an eye on you and he says that everything's looking a lot better. He wanted to keep you in medical one more day, but I told him we should move you back here. I may not know anything medical, but I know what helps people feel better, and being in a room you're comfortable with is a huge part of that. And see, I was right!" She explained everything in her matter of fact, but cheerful way that she did everything. She ruffled his hair fondly.

Bruce stepped up beside him. "I just wanted to check on you one more time, I have to leave for my business trip, but I've assigned the best Shield doctor to make sure there are no later complications. This is Dr. Haven."

In response, a young medic with curly blond hair poked his head into Peter's room. "Hi, Pete, I'll be checking on you later. I just wanted to introduce myself." Peter managed a small half smile. He hated all doctors except Bruce and Dr. Strange, but this guy seemed nice, and he seemed like he knew what he was doing. Hopefully he actually did.

"Aw, shit, I've got to catch my flight." Bruce stood up and practically ran out of the room, yelling a "feel better, Pete" over his shoulder. The other medic started to leave too, but then suddenly a massive cough overtook Peter. His lungs were burning with every breath, and his whole body shook with the effort it took to pull in air. The medic ran back to Peter's side and put his hand on Peter's back.

"Hey, get control, it's okay." Pepper was on his other side, gently stroking between his shoulders until he stopped coughing.

The medic looked at him with concern. "That looked like it hurt."

Peter Parker Gets Sick Way Too Much For His Own GoodWhere stories live. Discover now