A very Flashy sickness

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<This was based on an ask by @bts_vtkook. It's not the kind I usually write, but I tried lol. Let me know if you like.>

When his alarm went off, the last thing Peter wanted to do was get up. He could already feel a headache pounding his temples even before he opened his eyes. He groaned and was seriously debating texting May and telling her he stayed home from school, to not worry and to not leave work early, he'd be fine, before remembering that she was in upstate New York for a nursing training. Well then, staying home sick wasn't an option. Anytime she wasn't there meant Tony would be looking out for him, and he just didn't feel like being coddled right now.

Slowly, he dragged himself out of bed, fighting the roiling nausea with every movement. Why had he eaten those mushrooms last night? They had seemed so good, but apparently it was too good to be true. Stupid shitty Parker luck always hitting at the worst times. He slunk into the bathroom and splashed cold water on his face. He looked at the anti-nausea pills sitting in the medicine cabinet, but even the thought of putting something in his mouth sent a fresh wave of nausea through him. He leaned over the toilet and retched, bringing up all of last night's too good to be true mushroom linguine. He puked for several minutes before he could finally stand up straight. Ugh, he really shouldn't go to school today, should he...? Nope, wait, they had a chem test, he couldn't miss that! The teacher was awful and always made the makeup tests four times harder than the normal tests. He had an A- in the class, but that was still bringing down his GPA and he really needed those points. Between Spider-Man stuff and Avengers stuff and college applications and a bazillion other things, memorizing the polyatomic ions really hadn't been the highest priority.

Peter made it to school, catching the bus and immediately curling up in a seat. He made it through first period fine, not paying attention to the boring government stuff and instead using the class to do a mix of half-hearted Quizlet and dozing off. By the end of class, the nausea had actually subsided some. But next period was foods. Why had he taken that class? As soon as the teacher too-cheerfully announced that they would be making spaghetti and meatballs today, Peter's stomach starting churning all over again. He put up his hand to ask if he could use the bathroom, but the teacher didn't see him. And even worse, she was assigning them random partners for this day. Peter's heart sank. Neither Ned nor MJ were in this class, he just had to hope he would get someone chill and hard-working, anyone but—

"Flash! You and Peter will be partners for this."

Shit. Parker luck strikes again. If he left class saying he was sick, he would never hear the end of this. Flash would find some way to spin it as his "lack of focus on education" and tell Mr. Harrington as a way to try to get moved out of alternate for mathletes. No choice but to push through. Peter clenched his teeth and walked over to the kitchen. He didn't say anything as he aggressively threw garlic cloves into the saucepan, trying not to breathe and also trying to ignore Flash's stupid comments like "what's the matter, Parker, you hot? Oh wait that's just the stove. On a hotness scale you're like a -12."

Peter just kept ignoring him, but the final straw  was when they had finished the spaghetti. The teacher told them to eat it, but Peter just couldn't do it. Flash scooped a massive chunk of spaghetti into a plate and presented it to Peter with a sneered "let's see if this tastes as good as Mr. Stark's spaghetti, the spaghetti I'm sure he cooks you."

Peter suddenly turned pale and vomited into the trash can. Flash's demeanor immediately changed. "Oh gross, uh, Parker are you okay? Hey, uh, Ms. Reilly, Peter just threw up." The slightly scatterbrained teacher looked over I their direction, saw Peter repeatedly puking and hard-noped out of that one.

"Ok, Flash, can you help him get to the nurse? I have to stay here with all the other students. Yes, that's right, you take care of him, alright?" And she quickly turned back to a group who had boiled their noodles for too long.

With no other choice, Flash waited until Peter stopped puking to poke him in the shoulder and say "uh, we're going to the nurse." Peter was too sick to even care, and numbly followed Flash. The nurse made Flash give Peter a glass of water, and if his mind was clearer, he might have thought how weird it was to be cared for by Flash Thompson. Like the world must have turned upside down, because this would never happen.

Even weirder was a few days after, when Flash was mysteriously still being sort-of, almost nice. It definitely didn't have anything to do with Tony Stark showing up to pick Peter up from school... and it definitely didn't have anything to do with a thinly veiled threat that if Flash even looked at his adopted son the wrong way Tony would boil every hair on his body like that spaghetti....

Peter Parker Gets Sick Way Too Much For His Own GoodWhere stories live. Discover now