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instagram: @ linafics

your pov;

it seemed like your parents actually liked sehun and that scared you the most because you were not ready to be his girlfriend, not ready at all.

you didn't even want a relationship, because you thought that women aren't treated the way the should be by men and all of them are going to get hurt you in the end. and that was partially true because most of the women in dramas end up being heartbroken.

"i'll go to the restroom." you excused yourself and headed to the restroom.

whilst fixing your makeup, you heard in one of the toilet cabins some noises, more exactly moans.

"what the-" you tried to say but were interrupted by them.
"oops we had listeners, sorry babe," said the man who gave you a flirty wink.

he left the restroom, the guilty girl following his steps.
"don't you know you shouldn't interrupt the elders?" said the girl arrogantly, a smirk plastered on her face.

it was the same girl who accompanied that man near your table — arria maybe? pretty slutty.

you went out of the restroom, already hearing the auction's introduction. you fastened your steps, approaching your table with a fake smile on your lips.

sehun tilted his head in your direction, smiling like he saw an angel, and that angel being you.

your eye contact with him was broken because you felt another pair of eyes looking straight at you. you slightly turned your gaze to that person and it was the man at the table near yours — arria's so called boyfriend.

your eyes met his dark doe ones and you two stared into one another's eyes — feeling each other lose yourselves in your galaxies. you were on the verge of thinking that everyone was missing and you two were the only ones present in the spacious room — but your unreal thoughts were interrupted by his girlfriend.

she kissed him, right after she kissed the older, maybe richer, man in the restroom.

you turned your gaze back to sehun who was visibly a little bit confused by you staring somewhere else. or better said, at someone else.

"what?" you asked smiling, hoping he didn't notice the nervousness you felt.
"nothing." he shortly answered, trying not to pay attention to what he had just witnessed.

"y/n, you're right on time, the auction is starting." your father said, being sure of the win of the expensive jewelry.

you didn't really pay attention to what was happening around you because you were deep in thoughts about the couple behind you. how could she do such thing? how could she cheat on the man she loved? or maybe she didn't love him..

you knew it didn't involve you, but still, you hated so much the cheaters, that you were ready to fight them. of course you didn't plan on fighting her but still, he didn't deserve such a girlfriend.

"how will you reward me for gifting you l'incoparable?" the man whispered, inching closer to his girlfriend.

"what would you like jeon?" she said in a flirty yet innocent tone, knowing it turned him on.
"you know..." he breathed out, licking her earlobe.

"EWW!" you shout whispered unintentionally, but your family heard you, and the couple behind you did too.

"what happened y/n?!" your father exclaimed, visibly shocked by your scream.

you felt so embarrassed because of your stupid reaction, and with the corner of your eye you could see that the Jeon guy was smirking at you, amazed by your cute and innocent reaction.

"i just.. i remembered something disgusting and..." the guy behind you chuckled at your lame excuse. what was so funny?

"you're really cute, you know that?" sehun cuckled whilst tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear.

"uhm... thanks?" you didn't know how to answer because no one has ever complimented you in that way and it felt weird to receive such compliments from a man you didn't even know.

jungkook's pov;

i was waiting for arria to come back from the restroom. while waiting for her, i was analyzing every person present there who could buy the special jewelry and by eyeing their clothes and accessories i could see how rich they were, and not many of them could afford such an expensive necklace as l'incomparable.

i tilted my head a little only to see the girl behind me standing up and going somewhere else. i admired her slim figure and to be honest she was beautiful. whilst admiring her, i heard the people that surrounded the table she was sitting at talking about something.
it got me curious so why not to listen?

"what do you think about her sehun?" asked the oldest man, with a serious voice, eyeing the younger one who sat across from him.

"she's okay." sehun replied, fixing his tie.

"i'm gonna go straight to the topic, will you buy her l'incomparable?" he asked, slightly coughing.

"i don't know.. yet, but will she agree with coming with me tonight and every night from now on?" sehun asked, gazing deeply into the older man's eyes.

"she has no choice." the woman who was sitting next to the oldest man answered, smiling sweetly yet slyly.

"i'll buy it— and by buying it, i also mean buying her." he said not even caring that the couple next to him were her parents — well they seemed like they were.

"deal." the oldest man said, giving sehun a bright smile, knowing his goal for tonight was achieved.

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