Chapter 32

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 Hello everyone! This is Crystal and I'm picking up this series! 

I've always liked Chestnut's books, so I'm super excited to get this going. I've attempted to contact the previous translator to ask for permission to take over, but they seem really busy so I haven't received a reply. However, I'll do my best to keep to their style and naming conventions. :)

I hope you'll enjoy reading! I'll attempt to post two chapters a week, but I'm a grown adult with a full-time job and I can't promise solid dates. I'll just update as I feel like it.

You can read chapters 1-31 over at Radiant Translations!


One can't expect an uptight man to become a master of love all at once, so Xia Wei felt like she had to be a little understanding of the situation. For example, after receiving a notification that morning she rushed to call Jiang Zhi Zhou: "Mr. Jiang, I bought a dishwasher for you! It's already being delivered, so keep an eye out for it!"

  Jiang Zhi Zhou: "..."

  "In the future, you'll be responsible for cooking, the dishwasher will be responsible for washing, and I'll be responsible for eating! Isn't that fair?"

  "..." Jiang Zhi Zhou was silent for a while and finally asked, "Have you ever heard of this saying? A dishwasher washes dishes, while people wash the dishwasher."

  Xia Wei: "..."

  So sue her! Cleaning the dishwasher is far easier than doing dishes, and at least the dishwasher isn't cleaned every day!

  She said with a depressed tone to her voice: "Mr. Jiang, do you know how many divorces dirty dishes have caused? The dishwasher is a great invention, safeguarding the feelings of couples worldwide and making an incredible contribution to family harmony. Please respect it."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou: "..."

  Aren't you just being lazy?

  "If I'm to install the dishwasher, then I won't pick you up at noon today. You'll have to make your own way back."

  "Okay!" Since her relationship with Jiang Zhi Zhou began, Xia Wei had started going home to eat at noon. When single, your time is your own to arrange at will, but once two people get together you have to set aside some time for each other. Although it was a bit of a hassle, it also felt sweet.

  By the time she took Sunshine over to Jiang Zhi Zhou's apartment, the dishwasher was already installed. Xia Wei had originally wanted to buy a small, cheap, space-saving model since there was only two of them, but since the pans wouldn't have fit she had taken pains to buy a dishwasher that could wash 13 sets of dishes at once.

  "The size is just right, I was worried that it would be a bit big." Xia Wei looked at the cabinet it was installed in and nodded in satisfaction.

  Next to her, Jiang Zhi Zhou quipped, "You're reluctant to buy eye cream and face slimming massagers for yourself, but to get out of washing dishes, you'll buy a dishwasher."

  Xia Wei: "..."

  It's for the sake of our future together!

  "Since you gave me such an expensive silk scarf, this is my return gift to you." One that benefits her too. Jiang Zhi Zhou smiled, putting on an apron to start cooking, and let her go to the living room to accompany Sunshine and Tangerine.

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