Epilogue 5 - A Baby (2)

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  When Xia Wei's due date finally arrived, the whole family was on edge. Even Xia Wei's mother had moved to stay temporarily in A City, afraid of any accident happening.

  The big day was July 1st. On the day China's Communist Party was founded, the little princess of the Jiang family was born. Knowing that she had given birth to a daughter, Xia Wei breathed a sigh of relief from the depths of her soul. If it had really been a boy, she was rather afraid that Jiang Zhi Zhou might really want to try for a second child. Then their family might split into two. :)

  Even the doctors and nurses in the hospital secretly gossiped about it. It was rare to see parents who, after learning that they had had a daughter, were so excited that they cried.

  Xia Wei stayed in the hospital for a few days before being taken home with the baby. Her mother stayed with them, the plan being that she would wait to leave until Xia Wei's confinement was over.

  Since her mother and Jiang Zhi Zhou were taking care of the little one, and Jiang Zhi Zhou's mother came over every day, Xia Wei was able to simply relax at home. It was not until after the initial excitement passed when Jiang Zhi Zhou suddenly remembered that they had actually not yet decided on their baby's name. Due to that, everyone was in an uproar.

  "How do you like the sound of Jiang Wei Wei?" Before going to bed that night, Jiang Zhi Zhou sat down to discuss the matter with Xia Wei. Xia Wei choked on her sip of milk. Before she could say anything, Jiang Zhi Zhou muttered to himself, "No, that's not great, when I call out her name it'll be confusing as to who I'm calling for."

  "... um." Actually, she was already quite happy with the fact that Jiang Zhi Zhou had not brought out a name like 'Jiang Ai Dang' for their daughter.

[Crystal: 'Ai Dang'... literally translated as 'loving the (Communist) Party', haha!]

  "Do you have any inspiration?"

  "Well..." Xia Wei put some serious thought into it. "Let's just open the dictionary to a random word!"

  Jiang Zhi Zhou: "..."

  This is what you call inspiration?

  In spite of the cry of his heart, he went to the bookcase to pull out a dictionary. Xia Wei held the thick book in her hands and made a devout wish. Then she let the book fall open like a flower.

  The dictionary fell open with a thud.

  Both of them were a little nervous. Xia Wei motioned Jiang Zhi Zhou forward to look at it. Her husband picked up the open dictionary and took a look.

  "What character is it?"

  "Yi, the Yi of happiness and contentment."

  "Jiang Yi? That sounds lovely!" Xia Wei felt she was quite lucky to have gotten such a name.

  The next day, they announced to their two mothers that the baby had been officially named Jiang Yi. Mother Jiang carefully sounded out the word. "Jiang Yi. Not bad - Yi has a good meaning and it's pleasant to the ear."

  Xia Wei nodded solemnly. "Indeed. The two of us combed the dictionary for a long time before we decided on it."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou: "..."

  Your definition of "combed the dictionary" sure is different from the common definition of an ordinary mortal. How extensive and profound the Chinese language is.

  "Then Jiang Yi it is."

  The little baby seemed to understand, and let out a silly little laugh.

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