Chapter 49

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  Xia Wei's laughter broke the tense atmosphere between them. Looking at Jiang Zhi Zhou, she asked, "What's your sign?"

  "Cancer." Jiang Zhi Zhou rubbed his forehead gently with a frown. "Can it be that we've been together so long, yet you don't even know my astrological sign?"

  "I don't know your blood type, either."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou: "..."

  "Cancer... is your birthday next month?"

  "Indeed it is. You'd better start preparing your gift right now."

  "...I've never seen a guy so confidently expect to be given a gift." Xia Wei pulled a face. "Do you know what my sign is?"

  "November 21st. You're a Scorpio."

  Xia Wei looked at him in surprise. "How on earth did you know? I didn't tell you." She usually filled out her birthdays on social networking sites with random dates.

  "I asked Tian Tian the last time we had dinner." Jiang Zhi Zhou paused after finishing his sentence, suddenly realizing that they had gone off topic. "Wait, it's not signs we should be talking about."

  After his mother confronted him about having a good match, he had consulted several online forums. Indeed, women who had married up confirmed that they were under high pressure after marriage, and that due to having been born into a lower class, they felt less confident in standing up for themselves. Jiang Zhi Zhou wanted to spare Xia Wei from these concerns. He hoped for their marriage to bring her happiness, not stress.

  "I think that in a marriage, there are many things more important than one's circumstances. As long as those in the relationship respect each other and communicate well, many problems won't even become problems. So don't put put pressure on yourself. The fit of two souls is the most important thing."

  Xia Wei blinked, wondering when Mr. Jiang got so good at philosophy. "Is this what your psychiatrists usually tell you?"

  "...I'm being serious here."

  "I'm serious too," she said. "You're not quite a psychiatrist, but after hearing what you said, I do feel much better."

  Jiang Zhi Zhou smiled. "Good." Looking back at Xia Wei's calligraphy on the table, he asked, "Will you still learn calligraphy?"

  "Yes." Xia Wei answered, very positively. "It's good to engage in self-cultivation and to always improve yourself. This time, I don't want to give up halfway."

  Anyway, she'd already paid for the lessons.

  Xia Wei felt a great weight lift off her shoulders after talking with Jiang Zhi Zhou. A few days later, Eight Treasures proclaimed to the group that she was returning to A city.

  Eight Treasures Congee Female Hero: I'll be on the plane tomorrow morning! Mr. Jiang, please prepare dinner! @Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year

  Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year: ... I'll let him know. Twiggy, Tian Tian, when are you two free?

  Invincible Little Sweetie: I could do 2pm on Saturday. Twiggy?

  Asking For Suicide At Eighteen This Year: She's been so busy with blind dates for two days, I haven't seen very much of her [digs nose]

  Not Losing 5kg Not Changing Name: I've been busy with my parents, and putting all my work stuff in order. Ugh, so annoying

  Not Losing 5kg Not Changing Name: My parents will have left by tomorrow, though. You figure out the place and I'll meet you there after seeing them off.

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