Epilogue 1 - A Stray Orange Cat (1)

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  Hello everyone, I am an orange cat. Today is my thirteenth day as a stray.

  When I first came to this neighborhood, it looked clean and beautiful, with many other stray cats within. Their reason for choosing this place was probably the same as mine - since this is a fancy, high-end residential community, the humans living here are probably very rich.

  On my very first day here, I met a female human who looked extremely gullible. I rubbed on her leg adorably, and she couldn't take it. She started gushing about my cuteness.

  Of course I'm cute, foolish human.

  Upon watching her for a few days, I found that she came back late every day, so I decided to linger in front of her apartment building every evening, basking in the moonlight.

  Really, I must be very charming. At first she only fed me biscuits and bread, but after two days, she begun offering me actual cat food. What a tame human.

  She likes to talk quite a bit. Every time I dine, she talks to me. She's pretty happy if I just listen and respond perfunctorily.

  After having groomed her into my regular meal ticket, I felt like I should start on my next human. After all, my first human didn't seem to have much money. She just doesn't give enough cat food.

  I headed to the parking lot - the female human walked from the building every day, so shouldn't a human with a car be richer?

  As it turns out, I am indeed a brilliant feline.

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