Chapter 22-last time

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We were now in the car, heading back to the hotel. I was looking outside the window, and by now I wasn't crying anymore.

"Hey, we can talk later." Robert whispered to me.

I tried to smile and nodded. The car came to a stop and we got out. I started to shiver feeling the cold air. I felt even more cold once I saw Austin coming out of the car.

"Baby." He ran over to me, but robert pushed him away.

"Austin." He warned.

"She's my girlfriend, stay out of this!" Austin yelled at robert. I could tell from his voice that he was drunk. That was exactly what I was hoping wouldn't happen.

"Let's go inside." Alex said, helping Austin walk inside. I followed behind, and everyone got in the elevator, but Robert and I waited for the next.

"Do you want to tell me now?" Robert asked. and so I started telling him everything. From how after Alex asked to borrow Austin, I left to the bathroom. Once I got out, Dylan stopped me, and started to kiss me. I told him how he wanted to take me to a room, but I kicked him and ran downstairs.

"I wanted to look for Austin, but you saw what I saw." I said while sobbing.

"He's drunk." Robert sighed.

Of course Robert would defend Austin, it was his best friend.

"But that doesn't give him an excuse to kiss camila." He added.

We walked inside the elevator, and stopped at my door,"are you fine staying there? You can stay in our room."

"No, I'm sure I'll be fine. Thank you for everything." I smiled and hugged him. I pulled away from the hug and wiped away my tears.

Once Robert walked away, I saw the room door open.

"Baby, I'm so sorry." Austin said and hugged me.

"I love you." He slurred, about to kiss me. I moved my face away and walked past him. I grabbed some comfortable clothes and went to the bathroom, getting out of my dress. Once I washed my face and teeth, I walked back outside, seeing Austin laid down on my bed.

"Jasmin?" He asked while mumbling.

I put my clothes away and turned off the light, going to the other bed.

"Ugh." He groaned. I could hear him trying to take off his shoes.

"Fuck." He mumbled, falling down on to the floor.

"You're making so much noise." I thought to myself.

"Why won't they come off?" Austin groaned. I sighed and turned the lamp on. I walked over to him and grabbed his pants by his ankles, helping him take them off.

"Thanks." He chuckled,"It's so hot here." He mumbled, and took his shirt off as well.

I nodded and placed his jeans on the floor.

"What's that?" He asked and grabbed my hand, pointing to my wrist.

"Why do you have bruises?" He looked at me with concern.

"It's nothing." I lied and pulled away my hand.

"How is it nothing? It's purple. Who hurt you?"

I sighed softly and looked away.

"Jasmin, tell me."

"Dylan." Was all I said.


"He did this." I said louder,"but you were too busy making out with camila to even notice." I stood up and walked to my bed.


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