Chapter 4-Crazy lady Sarah

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The picture is Sarah.

Kristen's P.O.V

The car ride was silent, a nice comfortable one. I parked in the reserved staff area when I got to the café. Alex and I went inside and ordered; he got hot chocolate (since he doesn't like coffee and didn't feel for tea) and, I got an almond milk chai latte.

''We don't know much about each other,'' I said to him when we sat at a table.

''I know that you manage this café, your favourite colour is blue, you're allergic to cats, your birthday is August 12 and, you grew up in the Caribbean that surprised me since you don't have a Caribbean accent.'' he listed off casually.

''What?'' I was shocked. ''When did you get this information?''

''I sort of researched you before our first date. I hope I don't sound creepy but, I need to know who I'm dealing with'' he reasoned.

''I guess but, I still think it's creepy. I want to get to know you a bit more,''

''Well, what do you want to know?''

''What do you do?'' that was something I hadn't thought about much.

''I'm a C.E.O to a technology company but, I also own shares in various companies on the stock market,''

''That's great but, don't you think that people might take advantage of your blindness?''

''No, people know not to mess with me. I can be very scary. Plus, I have my best friend as my lawyer to go through all documents for me. I'm blind, not stupid,''

''I guess that works. The next question is do you live alone?''

''No I live with the aforementioned best friend, his name is Lionel,''

''He's the one who helps you?''

''Some things, other things I grew up knowing how to do like using the bathroom and stuff,'' he said

''How about your age?'' I was never good at guessing people's age.

''I'm twenty-six my birthday is September 11 in case that is your next question. ''

 It was.

''Do you have any siblings?''

''I do, in fact. Four sisters,''

''Four sisters? That is a lot, how did you manage? The one sister I have is enough and too much for me,''

He chuckled,'' It was hard especially being the youngest ones,''

''Youngest ones?''

''Yeah, I'm a twin. Her name is Alexandra,''

''Aww, that's so cute, Alexander and Alexandra,''

Just then we got our beverages. The smell was so amazing and, Roger seemed to agree as his head perked up.

''How long have you had Roger?''

''It's been around two years. I had a Labrador retriever named Jessica before him,''

''I'm sorry to hear about Jessica,'' 

''I've gotten over it.''

We then sat in silence for some time, just enjoying the silence. There was a park nearby and I wanted to take Alex. I wonder if he would want to do that?

''Do you want to go to a park? Roger could run around and we could talk some more.''

''I would love that but, he's not supposed to be far from me,''

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