Chapter 10-Mature(ish)

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Alex's P.O.V 

Kristen and I had a great vacation after I told her the news I've been hiding from her. She took it well, probably because she already knew. Even so, I'm happy to have such an understanding girlfriend. Like Lionel said the divorce took two weeks to finalize, by that time Kris and I were already back home. She encouraged me to tell my family that I was married to the witch, which I did not agree with. After debating some good points I decided that she was right and I shouldn't keep secrets from my family. So, I did and my sisters were pissed, but eventually, they got over it and everything was normal again.

Kris and I have been dating for six months, coming this Friday. She has met my dad during this time and has spent a lot of time with Zack. To be honest, I feel like Zack prefers her to me, but I'm okay with that because Kris is amazing. She loves him like a son and I'm so happy that they get along. Over those six months, Kris and I haven't really done anything serious. Sure we make out when we're free or when I show up at her office, but besides that, we haven't had sex. At first, I thought that she was waiting for marriage but then we got to talking one night and she told me that she has had sex before. Which may have upset me a little, just thinking of another man touching her makes my skin crawl it's just something I don't ever want to think about.

After much snooping and planning, I made a set-up to seduce my girlfriend. I had Cass decorate my house for tonight and I made sure Lionel wouldn't be there. I also had my personal assistant get some sunflowers, Kris's favourite. This night would be perfect.


(A/N: The rest of this chapter is mature. There is nothing you are missing, trust me no important information is being relayed. Read at your own risk.)

''Hey, Alex?'' Kris called out as she entered. She gasped.

At times like this, I wish I could see her expression, to see her face. At one point in our relationship, she described herself to me but I feel-no I know- she didn't do herself justice.

''Alex, this is beautiful. Thank you,'' she said softly and kiss me.''When and how did you plan this?''

''I asked Cass to help me,'' I admitted.

''I love it, thank you,''

''Come on, I got us dinner after that we could watch a movie,'' and I led her to where the table was set up.

''Watch a movie?'' she asked suspiciously. 

''Yeah, you can choose.''

I can feel her roll her eyes at me because she knows that we weren't watching a movie-she was and I would be sucking on her neck. She has, on multiple occasions, told me not to leave hickeys but I was never one to follow instructions. For dinner I had a chef prepare Kris's favourite-spaghetti and meatballs. It was actually pretty good but Kris makes it better, just saying. During the meal, we talked about her day and going over to her sister's house next week for some party. I really liked her sister, she was funny. At first, the whole encounter was hard to navigate but Kris acted as a mediator so when I said something she would sign it to her sister and vice versa.

Dinner went by quickly, at first, I thought that I was eating fast but Kris basically inhaled her food maybe she really liked it. So we moved to the couch and from the sounds, I knew she picked Mulan-which is her favourite Disney movie-and I proceeded with my devious plans.

''When are we gonna have sex?'' she asked out of the blue.

To say I was shocked would be an under-fucking-statement.

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