Chapter 5-My sister Abby

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As I was changing, my phone pinged with a message from my younger sister Abby. My sister was deaf, but she has never let that stop her. She was married to the man she loves and has two beautiful four-year-old girls, Bernadette and Charlotte - they were twins and, so freaking adorable.

'Today is the 26th,' she texted.

'Thank you, daily planner. What am I to do with that?'

'You promised your nieces and your favourite sister that you'd visit,'

'Oh shit sorry sis I'm on my way,'

I quickly left Alex's room and went in search of him. He was in the kitchen talking- well more like arguing-with Sarah.

''I don't want that woman around my son,''

''Tell that to someone who cares Sarah. I can introduce whomever I want to my son and, you have no say in it.''

''Yes, I do. I'm his mother,''

''And I'm his father. I don't complain when you bring your sex toys around him so shut up and deal with it.''

She was speechless and, I took that opportunity to show myself.

''Hey, I'm sorry but, I have to go,'' I said to Alex.

''Good. I think that's best,'' said Sarah.

We both ignored her comment.

''Why? Don't you want to meet Zack?''

Apparently, that's the name of Alex's son.

''I do but, I promised my sister a visit today,''

He pouted and, it was the cutest thing I've ever seen.

''Aw, don't be sad. We'll hang out tomorrow, I promise."

''Ok,'' he said sadly, the pout still present.

My phone pinged again, probably my sister texting me to hurry.

''I have to go now, bye,'' I said before kissing Alex on the lips and leaving quickly.

It didn't dawn on me that I kissed Alex on the lips until I got into the car. What if he thought I was moving too fast? No. Stop overthinking things, Kris. With that thought drove off to make a quick pit stop at home to change into fresh clothes. I crossed my fingers and, hoped that Cassie was either at Ellie's or sleeping. Unfortunately, the universe was not on my side, because when I stepped inside Cassie was sitting on the settee. She looked up at me and smirked before wiggling her eyebrows at me suggestively.

''Don't,'' I said and headed straight to my room to change.

She just laughed but left me alone, I knew I was going to get teased sometime later. I dressed quickly because the constant pinging of my phone was getting really annoying. I wonder if Cass will drive me, I'm positive she'd love to go visit my sister- they love each other.

''Hey, I'm going by Abby's wanna come?'' I asked her I put in my earrings.

''Sure, okay'' she said and, got up to get dressed.

We were on the road in no time with Cassie driving since I didn't want to.

''So,'' she started

''No,'' I said

''Fine. You're a grown woman and, I'm not your mom,''

The followed silence allowed for the sounds of Cavetown's new album to fill the car. I loved the soft voice of the artist, it was soothing and peaceful. My sister lived about thirty minutes away from the apartment, but with Cass's driving, it took ten and three near heart attacks.

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