Chapter 7-Something's not right

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Kristen's P.OV

Alex and I have been dating for approximately two months, it was the best two months of my life. Although we don't get to talk each day because of our respective workloads, we still talked quite often. Alex was so gentle, funny and charming also he was surprisingly lewd. Things have been going so good that I'm afraid to jinx it by introducing him to my sister. I would need to be their mediator since Abby is deaf and Alex is blind, but if they both really wanted to meet each other then I'm willing to do it.

That night while having dinner with Cass-who quickly fell under Alex's charm-, I decided to ask Alex if he wanted to meet my family.

''Are you serious? Of course, I would love to,''

''Oh, this is so exciting,'' Cass squealed clapping her hands together eagerly.

''Are you free this Saturday?'' I asked Alex ignoring Cass.

He nodded and for the rest of dinner, he stayed quiet. Maybe he was nervous or he was thinking about something relating to his business. He was telling me about a deal he was trying to get with a really hard-to-deal client in Tokyo. I hope that's what he's worried about and not having second thoughts about meeting my sister.

That night Alex decided to stay over, which wasn't much of a surprise since we have been sleeping together for a while. I didn't mind especially since he was so comfy and I always seem to sleep better when he's close by.

''Are you nervous about meeting my family?'' I questioned him.

''Kind of, why did you ask?''

''You got really quiet after I asked you if you wanted to meet my sister,''

''I thought I was meeting your family?'' he asked.

''Well, my sister and her family is my family. I thought you researched me?''

''I did but not your family history, that's not very appropriate,''

''Oh well my mum and dad live very far so my sister, her name is Abby, is the only person I have as a close family member that lives in the state.''


''Can I ask about your father?'' I asked.

''Well my dad is in New Zealand doing something,'' and that was all he said so I didn't push him.

We laid in silence for a while.

''Will you tell me about your childhood?''

''Aren't you tired?'' he questioned with amusement.

''Think of it as a bedtime story,'' I suggested.

''Ok well, I went to a private high school in my hometown. I was actually popular even though I'm blind, maybe it has something to do with my sisters who everyone loved and feared. I met Sarah the first day and we got along great, during senior year I proposed to her. I loved her plus I was extremely excited when I found out she was pregnant, but then she cheated on me-that bitch.''

''You deserve better than that. I'm glad you found out about it early on,''

''Me too. Anyways after that whole thing, I moved to the city to attend college and only went home to be there for the birth of my son,''

I was getting tired my eyes started to droop and a yawn escaped.

''I'll tell you the rest tomorrow,'' he said and I closed my eyes and fell asleep immediately.


The next day Alex was gone before I woke up, which was really sad because I wanted to drive with him to work.

''Morning Kris,'' Cass said holding a cup of coffee.

''Morning. Why are you dressed?'' I asked her as I assessed her pleated grey pants and, white lacy bralette.

''I'm coming with you to work,'' she said smiling brightly.

I raised my eyebrow at her,'' Can't wear that inside a family place. You can put on a jacket and I'll go take a shower.''

She nodded and skipped off to go find a jacket. Why was she so happy? I thought she wasn't a morning person.

I took a quick shower and decided to wear a black pencil skirt and a white silk button-up blouse. I think I looked quite sexy and like a mum.

''Come on Cass,'' I shouted as I grabbed my car keys.

''No need to shout,'' she said as she grabbed the keys from my hand and left. I locked the apartment and followed her.

It was fun to hang out with Cass at work. She made sure I did my work and she helped out with decision making since she was so creative. The workday went by faster than before, even with new applications and terrible interviews.

''I'm so glad I came with you,'' Cass said when we got in the car after closing hours.

'' Why?''

''Well, I got to meet the ever famous Chandler you keep talking about,''

''Why is that so important?''

''Because we got to talking and so I found out that he's gay,'' she paused as if this was some huge news when I didn't say anything she continued,'' After some convincing I got him to go on a double date with me and Ellie,'' she said excitedly. Her excitement was justified since she hasn't met anyone queer to go on a double date with after her friends moved away.

''Glad to hear,'' I said.

We talked about everything and anything. It was pleasant to just talk with Cass.


Later that night, Cass and I ate Chinese take-out which is the best possible food there is. We watched a movie then baked some cookies. I haven't realised how much I've been busy until today, Cass and I have always hung out with each other but after meeting Alex my life has been kind of hectic. Before I went to bed that night Alex called.

''How was your day?'' he asked

''Why did you leave so early today?''

''I had an early meeting,'' he said but I had a feeling he was lying.

''Okay, I had a good day today,'' I said answering his earlier question.

''Can you pick me up Saturday?'' I asked him, I didn't want to drive to my sister's.

''Sure,'' he said not really focussing.

''Goodnight,'' I said to Alex before hanging up.

I was too tired to deal with this.


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