Chapter 6-Meeting the Family

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After the movie ended Zack and I went home to cook something. I introduced Zack to Cass and, she loved him. For the first five minutes of their meeting, she gushed over how adorable he was. Zack and I chose to make chicken parm lasagne. It took a while so I was glad we ate before, nonetheless, it was good. As soon as we ate and I washed up, Cass and Zack were fast asleep on the settee with reruns of Golden Girls playing in the background. I wonder if Zack was heavy? He was not that heavy so I carried him to my bed and tucked him in. I pulled a blanket over Cass and crashed onto her bed.


Not much happened on the second day of babysitting Zack. I took him to the café because I needed to work and he loved it. Everyone basically adored him and he was so fascinated by the works. However, when we left around four, Alex called me and asked me to bring Zack to some address the next day. Apparently, there was a family get together and everybody wanted to see Zack.

The next day I did as I was asked. When I knocked on the door, it was answered by a lady with grey hair and streaks of brown sticking out of her ponytail, she looked like an older out of breath version of Zack. This must be Zack's grandma.

''Hi, who are you?''

Before I could answer, she saw Zack and her eyes lit up. They embraced each other and they both turned and went inside. I was left standing outside like an awkward bean. I guess my job was done so I really was not really sure what I expected, a tip maybe?

I turned but stop dead in my tracks. In front of me stood Alex, I wonder if he knew I was here?

''Hey, Kris?''

''How did you know it was me?'' What kind of sorcery is this?

''I just know when you're around I guess. Plus Roger was yipping and he only yips when you're about.''


''No Lionel dropped me off and he said that you were standing by the door like a -and I quote-'creepy lady',''

I laughed.

''Do you wanna come in?'' he asked.

To go in meant meeting his family, including but not limited to his parents. Was this moving too fast? Maybe the author of our story was making a short story and it was going at a pretty good pace? Well whatever the reason I feel prepared, I really like Alex.

So I went inside and I met everyone. They were nice especially his sisters, they were so hyper and so happy to meet me and I was nervous to meet them. Then came the big bosses, his mum and dad.

''Mum, I want to introduce you to my girlfriend Kristen,'' Alex introduced me to the woman I saw when I first arrived.

''Oh hello,'' she said a bit closed off. 

Alex picked up on her guarded tone as well so he went to tell his mum a bit more about me. My guess is that she was closed off to me because of Sarah, the thought of that woman made me shiver. Alex left me with his twin Alexandra who told me that he and Sarah were engaged, but she cheated on him. Alex was heartbroken after finding out, he only talks to her because she is the mother to his child.

After a few minutes of talking Lauren, Alex's mum, and I actually became friends. She was so sweet and gentle and reminded me of my aunt Becca, who was an amazing person. I was sure she liked me because I treated her grandson and son with love and concern.

I met a few more of his relatives: the usual aunts, uncles and cousins; I even met some childhood neighbours, whose presence confused me. It was entertaining, we ate and talked and I made dates with his sisters and his mum as well as roped in new customers for my cafe.

Alex, Zack and I stayed at his mum's house that night. Zack got his own room and Alex and I shared. Roger bunked in a corner of the room where a dog bed was placed.

''What did you think of today?'' asked Alex as we cuddled in the dark.

''It was enjoyable. I like your family.''

He lightly kissed the top of my head before pulling me closer to him,'' I'm glad you like them because they like you too,''

I said nothing but kissed his bare chest and closed my eyes.

''Goodnight Kris,''


The next morning we ate breakfast together. Lauren made eggs with ham and served it on biscuits, it was so delicious. I noticed that Alex's dad was not there yesterday and he was not present at breakfast. I didn't want to overstep by asking but, I was so curious. Still, I kept my mouth shut. 

We left soon after that. I had to go to work and Zack and Alex went to do some bonding somewhere. I invited them over for dinner before we separated. They agreed so I decided to leave a little bit early. Cass was going to 'hang out' with Ellie so I could cook without having sticky fingers trying to sneak a taste.

I got a call from Alex saying he wasn't going to be able to make the time we agreed on, which was fine since I needed to sign off on a few urgent deliveries and, read through suggestions in the suggestion box. I didn't stay as long I wanted to because I'd still need time to prep everything. On the way home, I thought that Cajun fried chicken and, saffron rice would make a delicious meal. It took some time to prepare and thankfully it turned out great. They arrived ten minutes after the new time, which kind of annoyed me since the chicken was room temperature and not hot.

We ate and talked, the boys told me about what they did and how much fun they had together. Seeing their excitement was so adorable and it made me realise just how much these guys meant to me. It felt a lot like we were a little family and that made me feel extremely fortunate.


Hi. So an extra short chapter with no picture, that's new.

Question: What is your favourite ice cream flavour?

I like chocolate and butter almond.

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