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This chapter is dedicated to @Dayshionasims for reading and voting on every chapter, you a real one. 

The picture above is the Van and Nessa.

Third-person P.O.V

''Mummy, daddy, wake up!'' Daniel shouted as he banged on the closed room door. 

The constant banging resulted in the sound of high pitched crying penetrated the air, followed by the annoyed sigh of a teenager. 

''We aren't gonna have sex ever again are we?'' Alex asked Kris as he sighed. 

She gave him a quick peck on his pouted lips before getting up and opening the door. Alex followed behind her and scooped up the loud four-year-old boy in his arms. While Kris went into the baby room to console the crying and screaming babies. Kris took up her fussy baby girl-Nessa. Nessa was her little cry baby girl while her twin, Van, was pretty calm until his sleep gets disturbed but he was fairly easy to calm down. 

''Zack, come hold your brother,'' Kris said as bounced Nessa calming her down without looking over her shoulder. She knew Zack could put him to sleep in no time

''It's weird when you do that,'' fifteen-year-old Zack said as he picked up his baby brother. As soon as Van was in his arms he immediately went back to sleep. It didn't take long for Kris to get Nessa to sleep since she was merely frightened and annoyed. Kris and Zack quietly left the baby room. 

''Thanks, Zackie,'' she said petting his hair.

''Mum, don't call me that,'' he said as he went in the direction of the kitchen.

She followed him in, ready to make some breakfast. In the kitchen, they found Alex chastising Daniel-their son-about screaming in the morning and waking everyone up. Kris went to the fridge and was about to grab some breakfast ingredients but, was stopped by Zack who said that he would cook. Over the years, Zack has developed his love for cooking and he was amazing at it, though he didn't do it often. Daniel apologized for waking everybody up and even though Kris loved her sleep she couldn't stay mad at her adorable baby boy. Daniel, Alex and Kris left the kitchen so they could be out of Zack's way as he worked.

''I'm going to go say good morning to the twins,'' Alex said as he kissed Kris's forehead.

''Don't wake them, they're sleeping,'' she said. He nodded and left.

''Mummy, can I play with Eddie?'' Daniel asked pouting his pink lips and widening his big brown, almost black, eyes.

She told him it was okay, mostly because she wanted to watch t.v without him disturbing her. Eddie was their dog but he mostly belonged to Alex, because unfortunately, Roger died. 

 Alex and Kris had been married for five years. Over the years the love they have shared for each other grew every day. They moved in together after Daniel was born and Lionel got the boot but he's fine living by himself in Paris. Alex and Lionel still talk often though, in fact, he's Daniel's godfather. As for Cass, well, she got married to Ellie and they both adopted a lovable and sweet little puppy named Carlos- who is best friends with Eddie.

''Breakfast is ready,'' Zack called out as he placed his creation on the dining room table.

Daniel came rushing in with Eddie behind him but, was immediately sent to wash his hands. Alex passed him by with the twins in each of his arms. Nessa was looking up at her dad with so much fascination, she had him wrapped around her finger the minute he first held her and she loved him back just as much. Van, on the other hand, was more fond of Zack and Zack was just as attached to him, mostly because he got tons of girls' phone numbers with him. Daniel was more of a mummy's boy but he preferred the company of animals to people. Zack took Van from his dad and went to get both bottles of milk for the twins, giving one to his dad. Alex had perfected feeding with Daniel and he loved doing it. He calls it a bonding experience where his sight is not needed. Soon enough everyone was fed and satisfied. Zack made french omelettes with toast for himself and his dad but gave his mum and brother waffles.

''Hey mum,'' Zack called as Kris was washing the dishes.

Alex was off somewhere playing with the twins and Daniel was doing something somewhere.

''What do you want?'' she asked not taking her eyes from what she was doing.

''Why do you think I want something?'' he asked taking up a dish towel to help dry.

''What do you want?'' she asked him again.

''To go over to Kiara's,'' he asked.

Kiara was his best friend but anyone could tell she was head over heels in love with him, well besides him of course, cliche right. Kris didn't have a problem with Kiara, in fact, she liked her a lot, Kiara was outgoing, fun-loving and gorgeous.

''Okay but remember to be by your grandma's by three,'' she told him as he shot out of the kitchen to go get ready.

They were all going by Alex's parent's house for a wedding reversal. Alexandra was getting married to a guy she met online. He was a good guy, a bit too conceited but, they fit each other perfectly. 

After doing the dishes, Kris decided to hang out with Daniel and Eddie, playing along with whatever game he was imagining. Daniel was always fun to play with, he was creative and a bit crazy so he always has interesting stories to make up and imagine. Before the two knew, it was time for lunch, she made cheese sandwiches for her boys then went to breastfeed her babies, she would eat after she was done. For the rest of their free time, Kris decided to do some work and Alex went to call Lionel, doing his weekly check-up. Daniel played with the twins and Eddie slept. When the time to start getting ready came around  Kris took all her kids, and with the help of her husband, bathed and clothed them then plopped them in front of the television.

Kris and Alex went upstairs for a 'quick' shower and then the whole family was off to the house Alex grew up in. In the car, Kris texted her eldest son to get to his grandparents' house immediately. They reached fairly quickly and was greeted by Alex's family and her family. The two families got along quite well actually. The reversal went great and even though it wasn't the real deal the backyard was absolutely breathtaking. There was a little stone pathway with chairs on each side and fairy lights dangled from tree to tree. A podium stood in front with a beautiful wood backdrop and lantern lights. Kris couldn't help but step back and admire her family, both blood related and in-law. She felt her husband's arms wrap around her from behind as he kissed her neck, she couldn't help the smile that formed on her lips. None of this would have happened if she hadn't gone on that blind date


Roll credits. I watch too much Cinema sins. Plus I've always wanted to do that.

This is the last chapter, I only hope I wrapped up all the B and C stories properly. If there are any errors-grammatical or storyline- please feel free to let me know. Also, tell me what you thought of the whole thing.

Did you like the ending?

Should it have been a happing ending?

Maybe I should change it and have her die during childbirth, it would make for a good sequel don't you think?  

This isn't my last goodbye, I promise.  

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