Chapter 2 - Praise the Genderbend!

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Whole city went on lockdown as the spacequake was announced.

Buildings and parked cars went underground and all civilians evacuated to shelters, except for one person...

Soon something red crash landed on face.

Y/N slowly risen from ground covered in dust "Oh, hey. It's my character from DS3!"

Soon dust disappeared and he saw a big hole he made.

"Not a happy landing..." He looked around "Well, time to bail before police arrives!"

He started running away but multiple missiles hit him, not leaving a mark on him.

He turned around and saw whole squad of flying mechas piloted by girls aiming at him.

'Wait a minute...'

"We're AST unit! Surrender now and you might be spared!" Squad leader shouted


"You have ten second to surrender or we will open fire!"

Y/N raised his both hands

"Alright, I might look like an evil spirit that came to kill and plunder. But I'm not that one, okay?"

"A fair point" Squad leader pointed down her weapon "You will stay here till recovery team arri-"

"DRAGON VANISH!" Y/N suddenly throwed fire bomb under himself and disappeared in fire.

"OPEN FIRE!" Squad leader ordered and they shot everything where Y/N was.

After a while squad leader raised her hand and everyone stopped firing.

Dust settled down and no trace of Y/N could be seen

"Damit! Target lost! Sweep whole arena!" Leader ordered and squad split.

Y/N soon reappear inside empty classroom and looked through window at AST unit flying around.

"That worked out pretty well-" He smelled something burning and saw his pants on fire "OH CRAP!"

He quickly extinguish the fire and regained his posture.

"Okay, so let get things straight: I invaded Date a Live universe, that looks like real life and I'm not main character. Which means..."

"Hello?" He heard female voice behind him.

He turned around and saw a blue haired girl in school uniform.

"Oh no! I'm not falling for that trap!" Y/N pulled out his sword and pointed towards her

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"Oh no! I'm not falling for that trap!" Y/N pulled out his sword and pointed towards her

"Please calm down!" She raised both hands in the air "My name is Shiori and I came here to take you to my humble castle!"

"Wait... What?"

She cleared her throat "As a fellow woman-"

"Wait, you're female?!" Y/N pointed finger at her and she nodded "Can I borrow your phone for a second?"

"Sure..." She said confused and pulled out smart phone from bag "You know how to use it?"

"Yes I do" He grabbed phone, entered the number from business card and walked away from her.

After a while of awkward silent call connected.

"Hello?" Y/N whispered "Your Majesty, I need to-"

"This is First King, and you are...?"

"It's me, Y/N!"

"Oh, Y/N! Everything going smoothly on your side?"

"Well... I have a technical problem..."

"And what that could be my little friend?"

"I'm not sure if I'm talking with girl or boy..."

"Sorry, I can't heal blindness so good bye-"

"No! You got it wrong your majesty! Person I'm talking about should be a guy, but act and look like a girl!"

"Well... Third King mention something about genderbending one of characters. So try thrust, and see what happens"

"Can't you just ask him?"

"He's busy fighting Fourth King for stupid reason again, I'll tell him to call you back once he take a break"

"Alright, thank you!"

Y/N hung up and gave back her phone.

"Soo..." She looked at Y/N "Who was that"

"Nobody to be concerned about. Now "He started removing his helmet "Now, I have something to show you..."

"Show me?" She swallowed her saliva

Y/N removed his helmet causing her to run outside and puke.

"Crap, hollowing!" Y/N quickly grabbed Purging Stone and his face returned to normal.

"It's okay now!" He called her "I fixed my face!"

She slowly returned holding her stomach.

"W-what?! YOU'RE A GUY?!" She blushed and pointed finger at him.

"Yeah, is something wrong with that?"

"All spirits should be female!"

"That's good to hear, but I'm a dark spirit" He explained.

"Huh? What's the difference?" She asked confused.

"Red aura and tendency to not stay dead for long" He rolled his eyes

"Yeah I noticed that, so... you're immortal?" She asked surprised

"Not completely" Y/N answered "So... what we're doing to do now?"

"Well..." Her face become red "We n-need to k-kiss"

"Don't worry! I can keep my power under the control!" He reassured her.

"It's not about it! We need to seal your power or they will hunt you don't!"

Y/N put on Untrue Dark Ring and his red aura disappeared.

"What did you just do?" She asked confused.

"I sealed my power" Y/N answered pointing at ring "No need for going for the overkill!"

"No I need to kiss you..." She mumbled while blushing "Or perhaps you're not into me?"

"Huh?" Y/N looked at her confused.

"I'm asking you..." She slowly raised her skirt showing pink panties "Do you want to go out with me?"

Y/N stared speechless at her.

Something is rising, and it's not the choosen undead!

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